#microformats 2018-05-12
2018-05-12 UTC
j12t__, j12t_, webchat75, rodolfojcj, tantek_, f_u_c_k_y_o_u, tantek__, KartikPrabhu, tglobe, t_globe, [tantek], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and webchat254 joined the channel; f_u_c_k_y_o_u left the channel
tglobe, t_globe, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# Good morning, Pittsburgh! (@ Omni William Penn Hotel - @omnihotels in Pittsburgh, PA w/ @microformats) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/47PuElH0kyb ( twitter.com/_/status/995282887867027457)
wiobyrne, [kevinmarks], pniedzielski[m], [stefp], wakest, schmarty and webchat254_ joined the channel; webchat254_ left the channel
[manton], rodolfojcj, t_globe, KartikPrabhu, webchat254, [eddie], nitot, [stefp], gRegorLove, [schmarty], webchat221, tantek_, [wiobyrne] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# ↩️ Es info extra que se puede agregar en el código fuente para que los buscadores entiendan mejor el contenido https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data El test lo hice en concreto con http://microformats.org/wiki/hentry y updated, la web es de tutoriales, una fecha actualizada llamó más la atención de los users ( twitter.com/_/status/995419372121358340)
KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [wiobyrne], [mrkrndvs] and [tantek] joined the channel