[jgarber]I’m not sure how much the spec should account for someone allowing their website to be served at both `http://` and `https://` and/or `example.com` and `www.example.com`…
[jgarber][tantek] Just tried hand-entering `sixtwothree.org` in a fresh instance of Chrome and the network log shows it hitting `http://` first. The Web server then redirects it on up to `https://`
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sknebel!tell tantek,jgarber: 307 Internal Redirect is how Chrome shows HSTS (which is why it says "Internal Redirect" instead of the actual name of "Temporary Redirect"), so you can still see that the page wanted to d a HTTP request that got upgraded
Loqi[jgarber]: sknebel left you a message 4 hours, 18 minutes ago: 307 Internal Redirect is how Chrome shows HSTS (which is why it says "Internal Redirect" instead of the actual name of "Temporary Redirect"), so you can still see that the page wanted to d a HTTP request that got upgraded
ZegnatI was able to pass the reCAPTCHA previously by using literally any input other than empty... Don’t know about any of the other parts of the site though
ben_thatmustbemebeen looping through. best i can tell is you are required to enter something into the recaptcha, required to format the username with a cap, and required to enter a real name which also must start with a cap
Loqi[tantek]: sknebel left you a message 7 hours, 30 minutes ago: 307 Internal Redirect is how Chrome shows HSTS (which is why it says "Internal Redirect" instead of the actual name of "Temporary Redirect"), so you can still see that the page wanted to d a HTTP request that got upgraded
[kim_landwehr], barpthewire, [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, [keithjgrant], [miklb], [grantcodes], ChanServ, [Natris1979], ShockValue, [Vanessa], [tantek], strugee and tantek joined the channel; ShockValue left the channel