snarfedsooo ugly. honestly i can't realistically upgrade to the new mf2py with this behavior. i generally expect p-name to be human readable, but this often results in long ugly URLs included in names, which is not ok for bridgy, granary, or other downstream users
Zegnataaronpk, writes “It would only be included as part of implied values” ... so does that issue really want to even remove alt from the implied parsing?
ZegnatI am not sure how I feel about completely dropping alt. I kinda feel like the plain-text version of a thing including something that would also be read out loud by ATs makes sense.
[jgmac1106]Already forgot what I thought I knew yesterday. In this example I do not need the u-photo since the photo is not main purpose of the note?
LoqiHello #doo #digped #edtechchat #ds106 #clmooc #engchat #literacies @scsu #ctu friends I am going to be hosting weekly #IndieWeb Blogging 101 session every Wednesday night starting at 8:30 (or closest to bedtime for kids what ever comes last) for the...
sknebelso where do we encounter implied name? are there actual cases outside h-cards? even very minimal h-entry note markup likely doesn't fall under implied name anymore, or is likely to look wrong
Zegnatsknebel, I don’t have the data so I don’t know. For all I know, someone has done <a class="h-card" href="/"><img src="photo.jpg" alt="Martijn"></a>.
sknebel(e.g. Twitter) usernames with emoji in them, with the emoji replaced with images. but there's a good chance the alt-text for the emoji is a textual description
ZegnatBut yeah, you have talked me ’round. Especially with only an IMG alt being covered by the algo already. (Which I hadn’t looked up yet. My mistake.)
snarfedZegnat: ok. sorry, not sure what to tell you. i don't really deeply follow the details of the parsing spec. i'm just describing the behavior that's desirable and undesirable as a parser user.
Loqi[Zegnat] To summarise the previous change: we normalised text parsing to use the exact same wording for `p-*`, `e-*`’s `value`, and implied name. Originally to make sure `<script>` and `<style>` tags would get correctly dropped everywhere, but in the end al...
ZegnatAs someone who browses the web with images turned off, I have gotten used to seeing alt text. So I personally like that. src is indeed questionable.
ZegnatYep, which is why I am not opposed to making implicit and explicit name parsing different again, snarfed. But I don’t expect anyone to have ever written that HTML in the wild, is whay I am saying
snarfedahhhh ok. so if the q is, find HTML in the wild where someone includes an img inside a p-name, then no, i don't have that offhand. i still don't get why we'd specify something we all pretty much agree is wrong, just because we think it's rare
ZegnatI think there is a case for skipping it in implied name values, where the user hasn’t explicitly marked any HTML as expressing the name. I do not agree with dropping all mention of an image when it is part of, say, p-content
sknebel(I just tested an older version of the php-parser, it did do it as spec-ed, so it's less likely anyone relied on mf2py's behavior of not following the spec there)
ZegnatMy gut feeling is that it is unintended, yeah.
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, chrisaldrich, vivus, [cleverdevil], [chrisaldrich] and jalcine joined the channel; snarfed, KartikPrabhu and vivus left the channel