#[cjwillcock]a specific example: when adding new properties (p-*) to a newly used root context (h-*), given behaviour coded into javascript that is not distinguishing the new h-* context, and is applying the wrong behaviour in the new, different context. Consider: adding p-rating in an h-review-aggregate, where previous code has behaviour (and/or design) dependent on a p-rating in an h-review.
#[cjwillcock]avoid all this, by not creating dependencies between design & microformats; behaviour & microformats
#[cjwillcock]microformats remind me of an easter egg hunt. Not the part where you search them out and gobble them up, the part where you hide them in plain site and try not to look at them before the kids wake up
strugee, [mrkrndvs], tantek__, tantek_, chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, nitot, [sebsel], [Vanessa] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]The part where you buy a load of brightly coloured plastic eggs and carefully put sweets in them before inserting them into your house?
[jgmac1106], sebsel, [kevinmarks], barpthewire and [miklb] joined the channel