#microformats 2018-06-22

2018-06-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu, tantek and tantek__ joined the channel
[miklb], ben_thatmustbeme, tantek__, barpthewire and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
looking for a page [gregorlove] often shares describing how classes can be used for more than CSS
und für (provinzialströmische) internet-archäologen: heute vor 12 jahren hat yahoo begonnen, microformats zu unterstützen (damals waren wir noch lustig)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[Tantek Çelik] Why you should say HTML classes, CSS class selectors, or CSS pseudo-classes, but not CSS classes
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah, searched the chatroom, I added that link. Thanks, perfect illustration for my point community is documentation. I will get the post up as soon as I drop kids off for the last day of school
[wiobyrne] and [cjwillcock] joined the channel
[jgarber] joined the channel
Is anyone else having trouble accessing microformats.org? https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/microformats.org
[deeden] joined the channel
Yep, down for me too.
nothing like a ddos attack for your birthday. Being a teenager so hard (note I have no idea why it is down just having fun)
[eddie] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Looks like microformats.org is back up. 🏆
Also looks like it’s not running on `https://`. How might we go about making that happen?
feel free to strip all the images and repost on the wiki
but speaking of https wondering why I syndicate to http and not https but problem for different channel
Hmm, with the wiki down at the moment, is anyone here knowledgeable to know if microformats has a way of expressing multiple sizes of the same photo/image?
there's preliminary work on understanding srcsets on <img> tags as a parser feature, but there is no special markup for it
wouldn't that be just your media queries? No expert but I dont see you styling size with microformats
there is markup for thumbnails and featured images I do believe
and I mixed it up with "alt"-parsing, so there's only a proposal for now, no implementation yet
Yeah I know about featured, but this would be multiple sizes of that featured image
Hmm, well my use case is my micropub endpoint returning a mf2 json representation, and want to include the difference image sizes if they exist, not really sure if it is a micropub issue or microformats issue. A lot of overlap!
well, then that's your chance to add what you'd like to the parsing proposal and get it included
i remember seeing something about that for videos
and the wiki is down again :(
the srcset proposal is on github
[jgarber] joined the channel
[sknebel] #2 proposes already to expand images into an object with `url` and `alt` attributes. This object could be expanded to cover srcset as well. Looking at the [examples linked](https://indieweb.org/srcset#simple_image_pixel_size_approach, from my unde...
↩️ "How hard would it be to wrap annotations in a microformats2" Sounds straightforward. For starters, look at an H API result, e.g., https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/UJC43nYxEei-5v-y-H6fIg, and consider the mapping you'd like to make.
[jgmac1106], [wiobyrne], [miklb], tantek__, [peach] and tantek joined the channel
hmm I'm seeing memory at 100%. that can't be good.
trying a reboot
looks up to me now, anyone else?
Welcome to the microformats wiki!
tantek joined the channel
[jgarber]: re: https - thought we had that on our to-do but can't find it. Feel free to add such admin related items to http://microformats.org/wiki/to-do#Admins
[tantek] On it!
[jgarber]: and in general, feel free to comment / +1/0/-1 other items you see there. We definitely need some help with triaging
wow 100% memory? I wonder if it's getting more traffic than usual or something
Looks like the site’s down again. 😕
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Mid-wiki edit. 😭
apologizes [jgarber],hopefully the back button in your browser works to restore your edit form?
(without reloading the page)
tantek joined the channel
[tantek] I haven’t lost anything, but the site’s definitely struggling.
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgarber]: retry?
[tantek] All set, but… The reCAPTCHA widget isn’t working.
Where there would typically be reCAPTCHA text, I see: http://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/images/v1_unsupported.png
use <nowiki> </nowiki> tags around urls
Any new urls you add that is
edited /to-do (+133) "/* Admins */ Add TLS certificate to-do"
(view diff)
Removing the URL worked fine. It wasn’t critical.
[eddie] joined the channel
site's still struggling for me :/
tantek joined the channel
I see it too, just not sure what it might be from the server status. CPU and load seem low, memory is ~48%
this will take some more investigation, maybe this weekend. in the mean time will try to keep the server at least semi-responsive
keep speaking up whenever you see slow responses
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
tantek: still down for me
do any of the server admins know the root password? I want to log in to view resource usage to try to track down the source of this problem. clearly rebooting it is not solving it.
I can reset the root password from the MT panel if nobody knows the current one
Phae hober tantek etc ^^
I wasn't precise earlier, when I said "struggling" it timed out and didn't load. Same for me now. https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/microformats.org
in the mean time, rebooting again
It's back up now.
...for now
tantek__, hi and [miklb] joined the channel
woo, site's still up!
edited /rel-up (+443) "/* Use cases */ added specific examples of browsers/extensions which improve navigation with rel=up"
(view diff)
In @microformats.org year 14, we welcome new admins @aaronpk @gRegorLove @martijnvdven @sknebel! http://microformats.org/wiki/admins All have been active for years, helping welcome new members and doing essential wiki gardening & #microformats2 parser updates! http://tantek.com/t4v42
KartikPrabhu joined the channel