#microformats 2018-08-15

2018-08-15 UTC
thunderrd18, dougbeal, [jgarber], KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], nug700 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#Google が #構造化データ でオススメするのは #JSONLD と #Microdata と #RDFa の三つしかない。#Microformats は #オワコン の扱いを受けている。ただし #SearchConsole のヘルプには取り扱うと載っている。#構造化データテストツール にもかかるし、#Google検索 で検出される。まだ使えるはずだ。
#Google が #構造化データ のページに載せるのは #JSONLD と #Microdata と #RDFa の三つしかない。#Microformats は #オワコン の扱いを受けている。ただし #SearchConsole のヘルプには取り扱うと載っている。#構造化データテストツール にもかかるし、#Google検索 で検出される。まだ使えるはずだ。
#ブログのアクセス が三百人近い日が増えて来た。月間10000pvが見えて来て #素晴らしく嬉しい。昨日、#構造化データ の #Microformats を完璧に仕上げた。#Blogger の公式テーマはデフォルトの #hcard に #author が付いてないから #hentry を追加したら同時に記載するべきだ。https://www.nagahitoyuki.com/
[chrisaldrich], Guest57070, oleo, tantek__, martyn_h, milky24, Frogging10113, zzzADC15, Theking^6, [metbril] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Twitter doesn't translate Japanese hashtags
[kevinmarks]: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 day, 19 hours ago: good point fixed and updated
KartikPrabhu, adactio, nikow24, JonathanNeal_, Phae_, Arokh, SKYWARN and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
okay, think i have the code good for microformats-ruby to not imply name/url where appropriate
only 20 tests i have set to pending, so have to review all those, but at least thats better than modifying the tests to just correct them internally
thats my list of i believe test suite issues
i know some are fixed and just haven't have fixes pushed yet
ben_thatmustbeme has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
once either the test suite updates or we get out the new ruby version, i'll update https://ben.thatmustbe.me/mf2tests/
barpthewire, sn0wmonster20, SerpentSpeech, [metbril], Kamilion3, bladernr24, [tantek], [kevinmarks], [kimberlyhirsh], [jgmac1106], mfa29822, nate14 and depleted joined the channel
I would like to have a version of Markdown that allows me to add microformats classes to links and text. https://p83.nl/p/870
[kevinmarks], jackjamieson, yar7 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I'm checking that list and going to PR microformats/tests updates today
tantek__ and ^Phantom^26 joined the channel
[gRegorLove] #94 Fix implied tests
I couldn't request a review from you on github for some reason; it didn't find your name.
doh, missed a file
[schmarty], jackjamieson, ilera, edong230, [eddie], [jgmac1106], barpthewire, [iambismark], KartikPrabhu, vivus, Guest3198, [kevinmarks], [grantcodes], barpthewire1, m71227, [dgold], [cleverdevil] and rodolfojcj joined the channel
Today I created two pull requests for go microformats to improve the coverage of the microformats tests. With these PRs applied it will replace relative urls inside e-content with absolute urls. https://p83.nl/p/874
[metbril], barpthewire, iwaim, [eddie], KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], jackjamieson and mrdata0 joined the channel; vivus left the channel
↩️ @ajhit406 Saw the title and wondered...hmm did he sneak in microformats? https://t.co/hbZHY0aEgT