2018-08-24 UTC
tantek__ joined the channel
# 00:05 tantek__ willnorris: since you rediscovered the include-pattern, could you file an issue on the mf2 parser for us to track this discussion? since it isn't actually referenced by the parsing spec anywhere currently, we need to consider it an addition, and can track all the use-cases etc. there
davidmead joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
ChanServ, gRegorLove, GWG, milkii, reidab, koddsson, ben_thatmustbeme, Phae, Garbee and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:39 ben_thatmustbeme Fetched in submodule path 'testdata', but it did not contain d8f0ae59a0477356c83028db7d8c3375eaf3c36e. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
[eddie], tantek, tantek__ and aaronpk joined the channel
# 05:00 willnorris ben_thatmustbeme: oops, must have checked in at a commit that was part of a pull request. I'll fix now.
tantek joined the channel
koddsson, KartikPrabhu, tantek, Guest97794, rdococ7 and barpthewire joined the channel
# 08:19 Loqi [Zegnat] #39 Include sizes attribute when parsing rel microformats.
# 08:19 Zegnat willnorris, awesome test implementation on that URL expanding proposal! Did the different HTML attributes give you any issues? That’s the one thing I find a little annoying about the proposal but didn’t see a better solution for
# 08:59 Loqi [Zegnat] #163 Run mf2/tests test suite with PHPUnit during default testing
ms78213, barpthewire, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 13:30 Loqi [jmacdotorg] microformats2-perl: A Microformats2 parser library for Perl.
# 13:58 willnorris Zegnat: no issues with different attributes, largely because there are no text
KartikPrabhu, decode and [eddie] joined the channel
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timswast and timswast_ joined the channel
# 15:25 timswast_ But one problem I had is with the pixel art.
# 15:25 timswast_ I want to render pixel art with the proper CSS so that it scales nice and blocky
# 15:26 timswast_ I had been using class=“pixel-art” but that doesn’t fit in with microformats2
# 15:27 timswast_ Should I be adding u-x-pixel-art to the images? Would most mf2 parsers pick that up?
# 15:27 Zegnat They would pick it up, yes, but it is unlikely any consumer will know what to do with that property
# 15:27 timswast_ Well, mine would. :-)
# 15:30 Zegnat If you want to be really fancy, you could use h-timswast-pixel-art. Depends on the exact use case. You can then have <img class="u-photo h-timswast-pixel-art">, meaning non-supporting consumers see it as the photo of your post, while you can add an extra check to see if the photo is also a pixelart type
# 15:31 timswast_ Ideally I want to get the indieweb markup so that other pixel artist could use it. Yeah, I’ll definitely add u-photo too.
# 15:32 timswast_ I think if it seems the right way to do it, I’ll mark it up like <img class="u-photo h-x-pixel-art"> and send some PRs to indiereaders.
# 15:32 timswast_ Actually, why h- prefix?
# 15:33 Zegnat Basically, consumers can either fallback on the straight "value" of the "photo" if they don’t understand the nested object.
# 15:33 aaronpk the h- seems unnecessary since there is no additional data beyond the url
# 15:33 Zegnat But if they do understand the object, they know it is of the type pixelart
# 15:33 Zegnat It is a bit of a hack to introduce fallback :P
# 15:34 aaronpk before making up new vocabulary, you want to make sure you have a solid consuming use case
# 15:34 Zegnat Also, using timswast as a vendor prefix on the h-, so as to not suggest it really is new vocab
# 15:34 aaronpk is there anything unique to these that isn't captured by using just the "photo" property?
# 15:35 timswast_ My consuming case is “treat like a regular photo, but don’t make it fuzzy when you scale it up”
# 15:35 aaronpk this looks similar to a photo gallery for example, like grantcodes is doing
# 15:35 Zegnat You would have to scale them without blurring
# 15:36 timswast_ I mean, I’d be fine with using image-rendering: pixellated everywhere, but I doubt most folks want that treatment for all photos
# 15:36 timswast_ Yeah, just images. But they’re art that I want treated in a special way.
# 15:36 aaronpk is the exact pixel dimensions important when rendering?
# 15:37 timswast_ Not really. It’s a heuristic that small images are more likely to be pixel art, but some folks use big canvases.
# 15:37 aaronpk I mean do you want to ensure that readers are displaying these all in a grid like in your posts?
# 15:38 timswast_ Nah, I’m not particular about layout
# 15:38 timswast_ Just scaling.
# 15:38 Zegnat “this is pixelart, don’t use anything but nearest neighbour when scaling” seems to be the thing you would want the mf2 to convey?
# 15:39 aaronpk sounds like a potential new type of media associated with h-entry, like how we have photo, video, and audio
# 15:41 timswast_ Could be. Though I’d prefer to treat it as a photo for readers that don’t understand pixel-art
# 15:41 willnorris Sounds pretty niche though. Would you extend the entry vocab, or just specify a more specific photo like Zegnat suggested?
# 15:42 aaronpk for example, with video, there is usually also a photo which is a still frame from the video. for consumers that don't understand video, they see a photo, and for consumers that do understand video, they use the photo as the still frame
# 15:42 aaronpk you can have two classes on an element like <img src="pixel.gif" class="u-pixel-art u-photo">
# 15:43 Zegnat Do we define that fallback somewhere, aaronpk? Or is it just consumers assuming that a u-photo can be ignored if there is a u-video?
# 15:44 aaronpk so consumers that don't recognize the "pixel-art" property would still see "photo", and consumers that do recognize "pixel-art" would know that they can disregard the "photo" property
# 15:44 timswast_ Cool, I didn’t realize that kind of logic was possible.
# 15:44 timswast_ Yeah, I like that suggestion.
# 15:45 aaronpk it's not parser logic, it's logic in the thing consuming the parsed result
# 15:45 Zegnat Post type discovery doesn’t do fallbacks, just identifies post type. This actually made me realise that people with mixed-albums might run into issues with readers. If I have a number of u-video and u-photo attached to my post, PTD is just going to call it a video post
# 15:45 aaronpk Zegnat: that's because mixed-albums aren't a supported post type in PTD
# 15:46 Zegnat I should maybe write that up somewhere. Though I don’t know if anyone is posting those.
# 15:46 Zegnat Google albums also allow mixed content, as my latest vacation album proofs
# 15:46 aaronpk can't remember how I dealt with that with ownyourgram
# 15:47 Zegnat The pixel-art one is much clearer, as consumers can simply drop duplicate URLs from "photo" if they have already been handled by "pixel-art"
# 15:48 Zegnat I think I have posted < 10 things to Instagram, so I can’t really speak for the interactions there
# 15:51 timswast_ I’ll mark up my site with u-photo u-pixel-art and see how it goes. Should I start a proposal on the wiki?
# 15:52 timswast_ Sounds good. Yeah, the process doc brought me here, so I’ll keep chugging through now that we have a solution.
# 15:53 aaronpk I would be particularly interested to see a wider variety of examples of people publishing this kind of art!
# 15:54 timswast_ Cool. I’ll start with my site and see if any of my pixel art buddies can follow suit.
# 15:55 aaronpk even just examples of the sites without mf2 markup is useful!
# 15:55 Zegnat Even if they aren’t copying your mf2 markup, just documenting examples of people posting pixel art to their blogs is a great start. As it shows the need for the mf2 property to exist
# 15:55 Zegnat thinks he follows a pixel artist in his reader already
# 15:56 timswast_ Awesome. I can definitely do that.
# 16:01 timswast_ Thanks Aaron!
# 16:01 Zegnat Wait … http? Doesn’t tumblr redirect to https? *grumble*
# 16:03 Loqi [aaronpk] #29 poster frame for videos
# 16:03 Loqi Zegnat has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (147 in all channels)
# 16:04 timswast_ Recapta 1.0 was shut down and I’m not sure I can bypass it.
# 16:05 aaronpk I thought it was still possible to create accounts
# 16:05 Zegnat If it requires the captcha: nope. The captcha was bypassable for a while but just frozen now.
# 16:07 Zegnat Yes, that bypass used to work. But hasn’t for a while now.
# 16:07 Zegnat It hasn’t really stopped regulars from posting changes to the wiki as the captcha only comes up when adding links (easy to bypass).
# 16:07 Zegnat Didn’t realise it would lock out new people :(
# 16:20 Loqi [kevinmarks] #6 Composite posts - how to recognise?
# 16:22 sknebel distinguishing mixed posts from the u-photo poster fallback also sounds like a problem...
# 16:24 aaronpk at some point a mixed post ends up being a collection, an h-entry with child h-entrys
# 16:29 Zegnat Mmmm, h-entry within h-feed within h-entry. Looking forward to it 😉
# 16:45 aaronpk I was looking into what it would take to upgrade the recaptcha plugin
# 16:53 aaronpk whoa there's something on the server that looks like super old malware
# 16:54 Zegnat Was said malware eating memory, or is that still an unsolved question?
# 16:55 aaronpk luckily this script looks like it was only partially downloaded so there's a syntax error so it never has run
# 16:56 aaronpk there's some base64-encoded c code in there too o.O
# 16:59 aaronpk i'm tempted to set up a new server and try to move the wiki and wordpress sites over to it
# 17:00 Zegnat Looking at sknebel’s wiki port, the wiki shouldn’t be giving you too much problem. Even if you’d update to a newer version
[shaners] joined the channel
# 17:00 Loqi [microformats] microformat-node: Microformats parser for node.js
# 17:01 aaronpk especially "more that I'm sure I'm forgetting at the moment."
# 17:01 aaronpk so i'm inclined to not touch mediawiki and just try to move it over in place
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
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[tswast] joined the channel
# 17:42 [tswast] I have a few SVGs on my site, but PNG and GIF are much more common for pixel art and fits my workflow better.
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and barpthewire joined the channel
# 19:58 aaronpk lols at the little "XML" icon next to the "Latest microformats news" header
# 20:03 aaronpk also omg the little rounded corners are made up of 3 gif
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
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# 21:43 aaronpk holy crap. trying to restore a dump of the mf wiki into my local VM crashes the host machine
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:40 aaronpk update: I can run the current mediawiki under php 5.6 (it fails in 7.2 because the mysql functions were removed)
tantek__ joined the channel
# 23:50 aaronpk struggling with getting utf8 encoding working between the export and import in different mysql versions and environments
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:55 sknebel latter might handle that for you? at least I didn't have trouble with the mirror
# 23:55 sknebel (well, it didn't use the export scripts obviously, but something using the same file format for transfer)
# 23:59 tantek__ right, I think newer versions of MW allow deleting of page versions