willnorris!tell KevinMarks,gRegorLove: a few micrformats/tests PRs (all pretty tiny) whenever you have a minute... #105 and #107 should be pretty straightforward since they're just continuations of previous work. #106 might need some discussion? not sure.
Loqi[kevinmarks]: willnorris left you a message 3 hours, 53 minutes ago: a few micrformats/tests PRs (all pretty tiny) whenever you have a minute... #105 and #107 should be pretty straightforward since they're just continuations of previous work. #106 might need some discussion? not sure.
LoqigRegorLove: willnorris left you a message 4 hours, 26 minutes ago: a few micrformats/tests PRs (all pretty tiny) whenever you have a minute... #105 and #107 should be pretty straightforward since they're just continuations of previous work. #106 might need some discussion? not sure.
ZegnatI think sknebel meant to add a note about mailto for mf2 consumers. The consumers don't know whether the email property was originally parsed as u- or p-, they just get string values.
ZegnatA note like "email values from links often start with mailto:, make sure to handle this accordingly if you just need the plain email address" on /h-card could go a long way.