#microformats 2018-09-03

2018-09-03 UTC
KevinMarks, [eddie], threeFifths, [keithjgrant], nitot, barpthewire, Zegnat and iwaim joined the channel
↩️ @destraynor are you familiar with the lengthy history of microformats to do just that in the browser because I'm having intense flashbacks
decode1 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ @marypcbuk Oh I remember microformats alright. *sigh*
[jgmac1106], decode1, [grantcodes], [eddie], KevinMarks_, Kaja and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ @destraynor @marypcbuk You could certainly send microformats in an HTML email wrapper, but you'd need a mail client that helped out.
KartikPrabhu, sknebel, Zegnat, [iambismark], the_madman, KevinMarks, [tantek], cebor0, [grantcodes], barpthewire, tantek___, dougbeal|mb1, [eddie] and tantek__ joined the channel
Pourquoi les microformats sont importants pour la SEO #ecommerce #prestashop #seo #php #webdev #symfony #vuejs #css #javascript #git #woocommerce #opencart #magento https://www.onasus.com/pourquoi-les-microformats-sont-importants-pour-la-seo/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
[grantcodes], [manton], [tantek], KevinMarks, tantek__, twisted`_, willnorris, voxpelli, [jon], [kevinmarks], vivus and strugee joined the channel