#microformats 2018-10-14

2018-10-14 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
[@martijnvdven] @Bjorn_W What qualifies “use”? You may find more v1 on the web, but v2 is more actively consumed by (#IndieWeb) tools. Many WordPress themes have v1, bumping the metrics, but often contain errors making the data unparsable. Mastodon publishes v2: keep tooting and it may overtake v1! 😁
Zegnat has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (167 in all channels)
[eddie], gRegorLove_, jmac and klez joined the channel
Clearing out my bookshelf: #microformats from 2007 - great approaches that never fully took flight https://t.co/La4S4s0svo
klez, [jgmac1106], [schmarty], [Rose], [dmitshur], KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
Ironically, his own website (linked from his Twitter) http://www.chriscullmann.com/ has plenty of classic microformats, hAtom on the home page (parses into an h-feed), and hAtom + hCard on the permalinks (which also parse well)
putting his website into the "parse" field on microformats.io shows them quite well!
That’s hilarious