#microformats 2018-12-21

2018-12-21 UTC
j12t, aaronpk and j12t_ joined the channel
↩️ Summarizing my IndieWeb ideals in one tweet: 1. Own a domain, and post your stuff to it, rather than to corporate “silos”. (You can syndicate to em, though.) 2. Use Microformats2, semantic metadata embedded in HTML. 3. Use Webmention, a protocol that lets sites cross-comment.
[jgmac1106], [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /spread-microformats (+54) "/* Logo */"
(view diff)
tantek, j12t, [eddie], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, barnabywalters, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], ben_thatmustbeme, jgmac1106, barpthewire, jackjamieson, [tantek] and [smerrill] joined the channel
Реджинальд Воронцов, який вигадав велосипед https://was.media/uk/microformats/redzhinald-voroncov/
[chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
HUUUGE progress on #newwyear challenge today. I got all the microformats into my words cited on the resume https://jgmac1106.homaepage.com I need to add some styling so the divs in conference papers are inline, change font to white possible and be done! (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/OV2eA)
[cleverdevil], [schmarty] and [kodepoeten] joined the channel
I’m working on tidying my blog a little bit nilsnh.no. I removed a faulty json-ld declaration, and now I’m trying to double down on microformats. And I have some questions:
2. Also, h-entry has `p-summary`. If I’m going to use it it it looks like I need to create a hidden div with the p-summary, and then have the full article content in e-content?
1. Is it okay to use `display:none;` on data I don’t want to show but still appear when read programmatically?
display:none is one way, the other way is to use <data> elements
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 2 hours ago: I think you can quickly reply to this with a much better answer than a Quora post 🙂 https://twitter.com/Shankystuffz/status/1075240160483172352
like <data class="p-foo" value="bar">
Aha, nice!
Also, from the microformats docs I was a little unsure about how to mark up my homepage. For now it’s a h-card + a list of h-entries. I guess that’s the way to do it.
everyone is a little unsure about how to mark up their home page ;-)
that definitely works though
Cool, thanks for the info. :thumbsup: 🙂
I would suggest avoiding hidden elements as they tend to just rot away
I see. Well, hope they won’t since I added them to the Hugo template and they will be automatically updated when I generate the site.
It wouldn’t be much difference with a data tag?
it's more about the idea that if you can't see it, you're more likely to make a change at some point in the future to the visible stuff and forget about the invisible stuff
having tests and good consuming use cases can help avoid those issues, since those are ways that make that invisible data visible again
Aha, yeah that’s true
[jgmac1106], [schmarty], [kevinmarks], [tantek], [asuh] and tttt joined the channel