#microformats 2019-03-27

2019-03-27 UTC
uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
Hi, I'm new here.
Was wondering about adding a new mcroformat for receipts
how would I go about proposing it? or maybe it's something you've already considered
Joshnuss the way to start with new properties is to first see if you can get it to fit into existing properties.. Then second consider any consumers... Who has a tool or need to read your h-receipts
And a huge welcome joshnuss. What is your website?
h-receipt could be like an aggregation of existing standard. h-product, h-geo h-address. Probably will be missing some props. It should work from anaything from airline tickets (containing media+calendar events) to e-commerce purchase, but also consumables where the receipt contains expiration data.
you can find me at github.com/joshnuss
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Cool lot of people building #IndieWeb personal sites in Elixir or Ruby lot of places to start
I really wish credit card/payment processors to accept a standard format for receipts. There's a wealth of data that is being turned into PDFs (essentially bitmaps)
I am pretty new too but I think the h level is a top level event, something to follow... There wouldn't be consumers for what you propose
If receipt data could be standardized, imagine buying fast food and have the receipt go to your expenses and nutrition data to a fitness app
ok, cool, thanks for the help, I will take a look
... Yeah we find it way more sustainable to build small for ourselves rather than worry about bout masses
Okay that is a bit different and some people do track food and nutrition
how do they track it?
But not from a receipt or purchase (yet?) would take a database query for nutrition data
well the restaurant and grocery store already has that data, it's a matter of having a "h-nutrition" so they can attach it "h-product"
I am not the best for quantified self and probably better question for IndieWeb or Dev
I don't know of any restaurants using h-product but that would be cool.. But it would be p-nutrition... h is top level
what is IndieWeb?
oh gotcha
I don't think Loqi works in microformats channel
Ohh you weren't asking Loqi #IndieWeb
The channel
Yeah in our other channels you can ask the friendly bot questions that are answered with definitions from the wiki
For your receipts just stick to an h-entry, if you add a photo use u-photo or -featured...maybe good question for others.
Then if you add the text from the photo for accessibility purposes you could add p-category to tag different food types... Ton of work
yeah, id rather propose a p-nutrition
and a p-payment, p-fulfilment (like for digital delivery link or physical tracking number)
I hate receipts hand them in all the time... Never tried any OCR scanners getting the html
sweet, thanks
Possibly it goes there instead of under h-product or you have h-review if you were reviewing and including nutritional data
i see
But really even food is still experimental... We don't really propose things rather keep trying until stable patterns emerge
mblaney joined the channel
The microformats process
Only the top group is truly settled on
Thx aaronpk I could not remember that page
There are also some indieweb examples of people publishing a record of what they bought, tho not necessarily as a receipt. Similar tho.
Acquisition I think
And if you want example of quantified self aaronpk website a good model
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
There is nutritional info in h-recipe though not structured
↩️ Spoke to http://microformats.org folks on irc. They have models for many of the individual parts (product, address, event, contact) just missing models for payment and digital/physical fulfillment.
nitot joined the channel
Thanks for the help
KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
joshnuss welcome, and thanks for bringing up receipts! It certainly sounds like an interesting opportunity, and as others have brought up, there are folks publishing receipt-like things in the IndieWeb community so that might be a good place to start gathering existing online examples
thanks @tankek, i will poke around a bit more, but yeah it sounds like a lot is already existing
It would be good to document some consuming code use-cases, so that there is a chance of an ecosystem actually forming for the data to be produced and consumed.
totally, i'm gonna put together a blog post with some examples/use-case
↩️ @joshnuss Do you use microformats? I used it in a project years ago (8 years ago?) but not clear if other sites ever took advantage of it
And that's why all our modern uses and innovations in microformats focus on real world use cases for *both* publishing *and* consuming code
google search engine uses them right? so I guess that means pretty wide adoption
some of them yes
Google implemented microformats, and then decided to make things much more complicated with microdata, schema etc.
i see, good to know
the problem was that Google implemented consuming code behind closed doors, and didn't really participate much in attempting to iterate on microformats (beyond some on hReview, and helping driving hReview-aggregate)
I expect that as microformats2 usage grows, Google will implement that too, since they generally pay attention to publishing patterns on the web. That's good, yet means we cannot depend / wait for them to collaborate to actually help create microformats or improve them.
i see
do you know if they use microformats in gmail? since receipt data is often received as an email
Cool can't wait. The subject interests me a ton. If you are gonna blog about on your blogspot account a few us made a theme with proper microformats if interested. You can find links on the IndieWeb Getting started page. https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1GY3NP)
nitot, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [Rose] and barpthewire joined the channel
joshnuss: it may be interesting to get in touch with https://jandinter.net/ about codeifying receipts too. He ran a session about “moneystuff” (contracts, transactions) in microformats during the Berlin IndieWebCamp (https://etherpad.indieweb.org/moneystuff)
nitot, [grantcodes], [sebsel], [Rose] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Zegnat: oh wow, that is super interesting, thx for sharing
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Are p-categories space separated? And is there a distinction between categories and tags?
p-category is not space separated, no. You could have categories/tags that include a space in their name.
microformats has no disctinction between categories and tags. The field name used by h-entry is `category`, and people tend to use that for tags on their posts
http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry describes it as “entry categories/tags”
joshnuss: there may be some spoken content about his ideas in some of the Berlin live streams, I can’t recall. I was there in person which is why I know about it.
Thanks zegnat - so would it be comma separated? Or would you have multiple p-category elements, one per category?
You would have multiples. The p-category contains a string, and that string is a single category. microformats does not define any postprocessing of any kind for it
Cool, thanks! Wasn't 100% from reading the wiki, so wanted to check :)
KartikPrabhu, nitot, ben_thatmustbeme, [jgmac1106], [Rose], [grantcodes], [schmarty], dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks], jackjamieson, barpthewire, [eddie], [tantek], gRegorLove and chrisaldrich joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Want to hear @zeldman and me talk #webstandards #CSS #microformats #independentweb what to do about the #toolchain rift(s) and latest advances in the #indieweb? 1hr+ raw & uncut @TheBigWebShow № 186: http://5by5.tv/bigwebshow/186 https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1111017460210253826 https://tantek.com/t4zh1
nitot joined the channel