#microformats 2019-08-06

2019-08-06 UTC
KartikPrabhu, GWG, ben_thatmustbeme, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [svandragt], [fluffy], [tonz], [frank] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] the XFN site seems broken: http://gmpg.org/xfn/
Has been for a long time now, [pfefferle]. Several more specific URLs still work, e.g. the rels: https://gmpg.org/xfn/11
Yep. One of the exceptions. Thats why we specifically linked that one on indieweb.org/xfn
I think tantek knows that the other /xfn pages do not work. Not sure who would be the right person to talk to for getting it fixed
[Zegnat] hmm ok… thanks for the info…
Why are you looking for the XFN site?
[svandragt] and [tantek] joined the channel
Yes I have a todo to migrate it to static GitHub hosting
It hasn’t changed in years so you can check it in internet archive if necessary
Would you accept help with that, [tantek]? Sounds like a perfect train-ride-home task to just mindlessly bring static HTML pages over to GitHub Pages
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek] [Zegnat] I am also willing to help
[tantek] [Zegnat] if one of you is creating the repo, we can start working on it, so we only have to change the domain in the end
I will be at work for the next 2 hours or so stil, but could get a repo started (seed it with a wget --mirror or something) right after work
I would prefer a clean jekyll project!?!
I used Jekyll years ago, never really grew to like it. Why have anything other than just the HTML files in the repo?
because it will not be accessible in the end?
Huh? GitHub Pages will happily publish static resources? No need for Jekyll at all.
I prefer zero setup/install as well.
Or do you mean a different type of accessible?
sorry, my fault
then even better!
[tantek] do you have the sources?
The only thing I am not sure of is how to keep the old URLs. E.g. gmpg uses URLs like `/history`. We can have a `/history/` (directory with an index.html) or `/history.html`. But I am not sure GitHub will let us have `/history` (no trailing slash)
Ah, nice, so we make it the directory variant and then old URLs will still be supported. Good to know!
I also used static html files 🙂
shame on me!
wget really didn’t like those extension less files. Especially failed on /xmdp where it found that to be a folder, but also found /xmdp as a resolving link on some pages
The beauty of actual static sites is ease of migration
The sources were really simple PHP for static shared page headers & footers. Nothing computational
As a side question, are people actively publishing more than rel me on xfn?
I used to link to family members with other rels, but not much else
GWG check IndieMap maybe?
Rel=contact is used by a bunch of old social network sites
As in published
The only one I found during my recent community parse checks was Will Norris, and his site isn't active
Still, even if XFN has fallen out of use, the website should be restored as much as possible
Marked up his familial relationship
Zegnat, wasn't suggesting otherwise
I thought last about doing something with xfn when I was pondering following
I would like to see someone do something interesting with it
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
I use rel=muse and rel=colleague a bunch but for more fun, nothing gets done with it
[tonz] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
you could tweak my spiderpig fork to go to archive first, or to pick an older date
(it has a dependency on mention.tech because I was lazy)
TallTed joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: does spiderpig fix URLs? That is the main manual fix I am looking at right now. Though honestly not that much work and I need something to keep me awake on the train
What do you mean? It makes index.html pages for bare folders
Or do you mean making them relative?
I have another tool for that
Yeah, but there are some problems with turning bares into folders. E.g. it now ends on a / so a relative URL to a stylesheet or something else will break now
Should be fully browsable before I get off the train, hopefully :P
it's in Christopher's repo as I was doing this for him
I had to do some tricks wiht the image urls iirc
The problem is visible here: https://zegnat.github.io/html-gmpgdotorg/xmdp/description/ scroll to “Sample Profile Document”. The link there to samplehtmlprofile.html is now broken, because of the extra / added behind “description” in the URL
relative URLs that worked on /xmdp/description break on /xmdp/description/
ah, annoying
These are probably easier to fix by hand then to spent time writing something that will recrawl for relative links though.
Another fun one, the Home link on https://zegnat.github.io/html-gmpgdotorg/disclaimer/ does not work because it needs to link a directory higher now
mauz555 joined the channel
[pfefferle] https://github.com/Zegnat/html-gmpgdotorg now has all of the current site, with relative URLs in place and rendering on GitHub Pages
PRs welcome for missing content from the web archive. I am going to have to get on a bike soon :)
(See commit log for commands used to wget and create directories-per-path)
[jgmac1106], [snarfed], [eddie], [Rasul_Kireev], funwhilelost[m], seki[m4, [pfefferle], [renem], jackjamieson, [timothy_chamber and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], aah, missed it. Yes, it probably disappeared the same as xmdp which I had to retrieve seperately. wget does not support having directories and files with the same name
[fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel
Fetching dinner, and then I’ll start backfilling some of those pages from archive.org
[miklb], [eddie], [grantcodes], [pfefferle], [tonz], jackjamieson and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek], [pfefferle], you should now be able to traverse all of the old xfn pages (or at least some archive.org version of them) https://zegnat.github.io/html-gmpgdotorg/xfn/
If I missed anything or didn’t fix a relative URL somewhere, PRs welcome. Feedback page isn’t there because it is a form.
[manton] and [timothy_chamber joined the channel
Oh, just realised I missed the creator too. Well, that might be tomorrow’s train ride’s menial task, haha
[fluffy], KartikPrabhu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[Zegnat] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (117 in all channels)
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, [fluffy]1 and [KevinMarks]1 joined the channel