#microformats 2019-08-15

2019-08-15 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [Michael_Beckwit, IWSlackGateway, [asuh], [Rose], [KevinMarks], mauz555, [jgmac1106], ptonerDiscord[m], [tonz], [prtksxna], [xavierroy], [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
Hey folks <!here>, one of the critical things we maintain in addition to microformats specifications is the official HTML link relations registry, AKA "rel registry", as normatively referenced in the HTML Standard.
As we've moved microformats specification process and issue discussions officially to our microformats GitHub org, I'd like to similarly consider moving the rel registry to a new repo in microformats GitHub org. Thoughts, opinions?
[prtksxna] joined the channel
[tantek] Where do the discussions live as of now?
discussions for what?
You mentioned that the mf issue discussions are on GH now. Similarly, where do those for the rel registry live right now.
[jgarber] joined the channel
[tantek] Approved. :thumbsup::skin-tone-2:
microformats spec issue discussions are on the repo for each spec
there is no repo for the rel registry yet
the default place for microformats discussions is this #microformats chat channel
Yeah, in that case a github repo would be much better 🙂
Cool. I'll give it another day or so for folks to express opinions and we'll see if there's good consensus around using a github repo
I am fine
I have rel questions
Or issues
jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, mauz555, [jgmac1106], [manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
A repo for the state of the registry, or for the issues?
a repo for the registry itself, with likely separate files for the separate sections in the current rel-registry
But the registry is still served from the microformats.org domain?
Storing it in git and hosting the git at github is reasonable. Serving it from a microformats (sub) domain makes sense as insurance against github going awry.
is that insurance worth the lack of https?
You can get https from a github served subdomain
hmm that's an interesting idea
I serve lots of things from github, but I use domains I own.
and github handles the https?
They use letsencrypt
that doesn't really answer the question
I own the domain, github hosts and manages letsencrypt
But I can always switch
that's a TLD. is there any way to do it with a subdomain? "subdomain" is not mentioned on https://indieweb.org/GitHub_Pages
I'd be more confident in this possibility if there were some documentation
Can try it
looks like it will work; cname+ get github to issue cert
vesper11 joined the channel
that was https://kevinmarks.github.io until 5 minutes ago
I'm reasonably confident that msft won't break github, but it's good to have options
[fluffy] joined the channel
Msft owning github increased my confidence in URL stability
That’s cool you were able to setup where. So quickly
mauz555, Ladybird1 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel