#microformats 2019-09-29

2019-09-29 UTC
KartikPrabhu, nitot, tsrtiv^, NeroprojektDisco, vendan and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Reposting from #indieweb:
[indienews] New post: "Proposing a Microformats2 Markup for Licensing Information" https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/09/28/microformats-licensing/
jamietanna[m] minor nit on that post, you probably want to add a property like "u-license" or "p-license" in addition to the new h-license you're proposing
So it'd be class="p-license h-license"
Aaronpk oh yes, good shout
check out the difference in the parsed result after adding that
[frank], [aaronpk], nitot, [schmarty], [Rose], [tonz] and [tantek] joined the channel
dougbeal no with h-event. there's a barely supported RDATE property in hCalendar that has some support (H2VX)
problem is the syntax is very obtuse, so not something that feels dependable to standardize
nitot joined the channel
jamietanna - interesting h-license brainstorm. I think it's a good exploration. Only suggestion I have is to try starting even more minimal, e.g. *only* adding a u-license property to the URL of the license that applies to the containing h-* object. That may be enough to work for the consuming code scenarios of most of the use-cases you've documented
and it's a lot less work for publishers and consumers to only deal with a single property u-license
nice thing is, if there are more complex needs to express licensing information beyond a URL, the use of u-license can be expanded with "u-license h-license", similar to how we use u-in-reply-to and then optionally extend it with h-cite e.g. "u-in-reply-to h-cite"
OK, interesting. I was thinking about using the SPDX ID as that's a unique identifier we can use for identification, but agreed that a u-license is more web-oriented idea
As I say, my main use case (and that others see too) is that there can be multiple licenses for things within an h-*
multiple licenses can be indicated with multiple u-license properties
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
sure. what do you think a license for a specific image could look like?
without the spelling errors
[Rose] joined the channel
there's nothing about that markup that makes it clear that the license is for a specific image vs the entire h-entry
maybe discuss the approach first rather than jumping to code?
[jgmac1106]1 joined the channel
well my assumptions would be mutliple images on the page , just fooling around I just stick stick different licesenses in my footer to give people different place to ignore them
[Lewis_Cowles], AceFaceDiscord[m, mrcatmann, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
multiple images like a multiphoto post?
[frank], [grantcodes], [schmarty], nitot, jacki, [mapkyca], [aaronpk], cheim, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah like a gallery page
just following the pattern of people nesting collection of images in an h-entry, in that scenario and using rel=license couldn't each photo have a different license?
jgmac1106 and [Marten] joined the channel
It could. I am just not sure wrapping every image you post in its own h-entry is something people are likely to do. Most of the time I would not personally treat singular images within a post as their own posts
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I kind of do as collections. It means each photo has it's own url that people can respond to, and have a separate title, description, location etc. But I don't think there is anything that does a good job of consuming that. So I also mark it up as a multi photo post which work in readers and whatnot
What format should a Microformats2 datetime be? Conversation I had earlier at IWC Amsterdam about it with schmarty, based on https://tantek.com/2019/275/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf which is not (to my knowledge) an ISO 8601 timestamp. Is this something we've defined, or is it likely to be different formats that we need to account for?
https://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftantek.com%2F2019%2F275%2Fe1%2Fhomebrew-website-club-sf shows it as `2019-10-02 18:30-0700` with a space instead of a `T` and not with seconds
I think we have always been pretty liberal in what is accepted. I think some people have dt-bday without a year, for instance.
Personally I stick to using timestamps defined by the HTML specification whenever I use <time datetime>
jamietanna[m]: that's a valid timestamp according to HTML
IMHO, you should be prepared to handle what can be in a HTML datetime attribute (of course as long as it makes sense for your application - a yearless date makes sense for a birthday, but porbalby not for dt-published)
Gotcha, ok. Hugo wants a rigid ISO 8601 format, so I'd need to do something to convert that date to a format that's usable, ta
Now I wonder if the HTML spec defines what 18:30 means. Whether that means 18:30:00 or is actually defined as only being precise to the minute
jgmac1106 joined the channel
it specifies it as :00 seconds, strictly speaking
I thanks, I was digging through the spec to see
*ah thanks
what happens to miliseconds!!??
seconds can be a a non-integer
I guess they are also converted to 0 unless specified?
all this artificial precision!!
miliseconds are not converted to 0, in that there is no miliseconds part of time. Just fractional seconds, and seconds default to int 0
Also, can only have up to 3 decimals on those seconds
ah ok. I think I may just error out for now if the date format isn't liked :joy
(I know some people here prefer to not imply seconds, and I think that typically makes sense, especially since it's mostly display purposes - If a source doesn't give you seconds, it's typically fine to not display them instead of saying "ok, but they mean :00, so I'll show :00.0000 :D)
* πŸ˜‚
It's only for my Micropub
That is 1 0 too many after the decimal separator, sknebel ;)
https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#yearless-dates - looks like yearless bdays are OK?
but might not make sense for your specific application
Zegnat: does it limit the number of digits after the dot?
Yes, to 3
Interesting enough: parsing does not put a limit on it
[frank], [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
ISO 8601 allows all kinds of varying levels of precision. It’s bad/lazy specs/libraries that insist on artificial precision
Eg the W3C datetime note is crap
πŸ‘οΈ fair enough!
nitot, [aaronpk], [schmarty], [tonz] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Thank you time-questions. I have opened some issues towards how HTML describes seconds and their fractions: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4948 https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4949
KartikPrabhu, [sebsel], [aaronpk], cheim, [jgmac1106], nitot, bitwinery, ivc, jgmac1106 and galaxie joined the channel