#microformats 2019-10-16

2019-10-16 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [dougbeal] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Totally! But check out what we've done with Webmention and Microformats for the last few years: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit#indie-rsvps All these RSVPs are via Webmention Microformats. Click thru the permalinks to see the original posts!
↩️ I think I will add another page (partial?) ..I write my pages in HTML so the NodeJS is new to me ..but make a place to display RSVPs like https://2019.indieweb.org/summit#indie-rsvps will send a PR Thursday or Friday with microformats for everything else. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1aRGLa)
cheim joined the channel
↩️ Playing some more not going to put h-event on header but instead on content wrapper, that way i get location...other idea just use ttop about box and add all correct microformats there: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats#h-event (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2dG7pw)
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [grantcodes], [tonz], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [xavierroy], [dougbeal], [schmarty], matyas_mustohaDi and [manton] joined the channel; competentcuttlef left the channel
No joke, this is one idea I reckon the @microformats and @indiewebcamp crew would totally run with, as it fits their little niche, but would also be useful for loads of others too. Anyone who makes money selling event mgmt software would benefit from it (& could fund the work?)
[KevinMarks], [Lewis_Cowles] and Guest123456 joined the channel
Wasn't that lanyrd?
[snarfed] and Yed joined the channel
Happy #PronounsDay! My pronouns are he/him/his, and you can read them programmatically on my website (using #Microformats), as described in https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/04/10/pronouns-microformats/ It's super important to make them visible so folks everywhere are more comfortable sharing their pronouns
For #PronounsDay I followed Jamie's lead and used spec microformats to mark pronouns on my site https://davidwolfpaw.com/. Thanks #IndieWeb! <span class="p-x-pronoun-nominative">he</span>/<span class="p-x-pronoun-oblique">him</span>/<span class="p-x-pronoun-possessive">his</span>
hmmm wasn't the *-x-* not preferred anymore?
Guest123456, bitwinery, [frank], [Rose] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Is there any commonly-agreed spec for how to indicate multiple pronoun sets, ideally with an order of preference? Or is this all still wild blue yonder?
I wouldn’t mind adding microformat markup to my h-card
er, for pronouns I mean
[fluffy]: this is all still very experimental I'd say (and I couldn't name a consuming application)
Zegnat also proposed a less-split-up variation a while back: https://wiki.zegnat.net/microformats/pronoun
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
which clearly allows multiple options (but the other one also doesn't say you can't have multiple)
I'd expect use would primarily be for display, not much in the way of further automated processing - just displaying multiple groups if multiple are given, maybe assuming decreasing preference, wouldn't be a big step)
[snarfed], [dougbeal] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
h-card Brainstorming
I thought Loqi was the only consuming example for pronouns in response to !tell but I can't find examples in the logs now, just "I'll tell them..."
that was an aspirational thought :)
i never actually implemented that
probably about time tho
I'm revisiting Zegnat's alternate method. I do like the simplicity of `u-pronoun`
Especially as more people implement it, I'm worried it's mostly copy/paste since the `p-x-pronoun-nominative` version is first on the page
(or p-pronoun)
u- is important there because it points to a URL that someone can read
I'd actually like something that both gives a string to show (e.g. in a reply UI) and the link for more info. guess one could rope h-cite into action if one had to
(as "labelled URL" type)
aaronpk: I land at 17:25
wops, wrong channel
Good point. URL is good for humans to learn more, but consumers (Loqi) likely want only the pronoun string.
the language issue is really tricky
KartikPrabhu and [grantcodes] joined the channel
the language parsing proposal also parsed lang for h-*, but not for p-* or u-*
[jgmac1106] and [Sonny] joined the channel
It parses hreflang for rel urls
that's not helpful
KartikPrabhu and Skaterhaym joined the channel
↩️ Or use the "same_as" space for providing links to other places you can find them in that same info box. Could even fall back from JSON+LD to Facebook's Open Graph, Microformats, Schema, etc...