#microformats 2020-04-29

2020-04-29 UTC
mblaney, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [arush] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Good evening from the East Coast, y’all!
Looks like sknebel gave this PR approval. Could an admin merge when they have a chance?
[jgarber623] #114 Fix unresolved relative URL in output JSON
[manton], [snarfed], [mapkyca], jacky, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, [LewisCowles] and mauz555 joined the channel
Can any GitHub org admins check who have access to the tests repo? aaronpk? gRegorLove? I am on the Parser Development team and cannot merge tests
[jgmac1106], [Arne], juju1, gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles] and [jgarber] joined the channel
☝ I’d be most appreciative! 😄
[jansauer] joined the channel
[tw2113] joined the channel
not even a US midwest event listed
runs away before anyone says to start one
gRegorLove, [Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas] and Sajesajama joined the channel
Parser Development should have write access on microformats/tests now
[jgarber623] #114 Fix unresolved relative URL in output JSON
[jgarber] joined the channel
Thanks, gRegorLove! 👏
KartikPrabhu, Sajesajama_, Sajesajama__, [KevinMarks], [Molly], [LewisCowles] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Gone down a date parsing/normalization rabbit hole and it’s unclear from the wiki/GitHub/etc. if the community came to an agreement on how to handle normalization, implied dates, etc.
Is this topic still unresolved? Does existing parser behavior confer a de facto decision? All of the above/none of the above?
[sknebel] #8 imply dates also outside vcp?
[tantek] #4 vcp: imply dates should also imply tz if needed
[tantek] #12 should dt-* parsing do date and time parsing for all values?
[jgarber]: I've been in that rabbit hole. I can go back in it if you'd like and reread everything.
GWG: It _feels_ like a decently-sized gap that could be spanned. The wiki/specs are confusing re: why is date implication/parsing largely documented in the context of value class pattern?
Generally speaking, it’d be very useful if we could do a “date parsing” sprint, so-to-speak, and knock out a bunch of those issues.
[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
Since they’re clearly thorny and long-lived based on the dates of those issues.
[jgarber]: I'll reread them, maybe during the events tonight
[tantek] joined the channel
ooh date-time parsing!!!
I want to normalize my dates as much as possible personally.
[tantek] I’m sure you’ve got a pile of historical knowledge and strong opinions on this one… Curious what the history looks like.
There’s a delicate balance between reliably returning what an author provides in markup and… well, * waves hands at the date-parsing specs *
[gRegorLove] An updated proposal: >* if the gotten value is a relative-URL string, let `url` be the result of resolving it to an absolute URL following the containing document’s language’s rules (e.g. in HTML, use the current URL context as determined by t...
gRegorLove++ for the URL normalization proposal.
gRegorLove has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
Zegnat++ for most of it, just a tweak :)
Zegnat has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
all a’y’all plus plus
Do any parsers follow that already, btw?
Ruby parser should.
~ ~ ~ k i d d i n g ~ ~ ~
Would be a small adjustment to get it to comply, though.
…and there’d be a compliant non-official Ruby parser in the very near future.
[jgarber] yes at this point there's easily a decade+ of thoughtful research & thinking that's gone into a lot of the date-time stuff
we mostly kept the specs modular as they are to not disrupt the path/understanding of writing classic microformats parsers while we were (more rapidly) iterating on mf2
I'm kinda wiped today from CSSWG virtual f2f meeting and other meetings but hopefully I'll have the depth of thinking ability soon to deep dive on mf2 date-time parsing stuff
that might be worth an actual "session" if GWG and perhaps gRegorLove are up for it
like online/zoom etc.
rather than attempting everything back/forth in GitHub comments. also I figure y'all have more free form questions around why things are the way they are, and those are often the best questions (to understand past methodologies, to better document them, and hopefully use them for present/future maintenance)
[tantek]: I'm always happen to do a session, if I can
I think chrisaldrich's Wiki one went swimmingly
dangjavageek, mauz555 and [schmarty] joined the channel
Looking forward to the output of that session. 👍
I’m happy to help review, provide feedback, etc. if desired.
I'm down for a session sometime. Maybe this weekend or next week.
I think Zegnat has thought a lot about the vcp datetime parsing so would like him to be there if possible
do i need to add a meeting time poll feature to meetable?
aaronpk: Zegnat left you a message 6 days, 6 hours ago: You are listed as maintainer on https://packagist.org/packages/mf2/tests , the package says it will auto-update, but dev-master has been stuck on a 2018 commit so something seems weird?
And any other parser contributors
you know, i've noticed a few other packages not auto updating
[jgarber], what timezone are you in?
gRegorLove: I’m on the US East Coast, so -4 or -5 depending on the time of year. Whichever we’re living in right now. 😂
cool, same as GWG
[chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Meeting time poll by event list +rsvps for possibles is a neat idea, but you kind of need a way to tell people which rsvps succeeded. Would that be a webmention back from the event to the rsvps? Would the non-chosen ones become 410s?
AS1 had cancel and invite verbs for this
[asuh] joined the channel