#microformats 2020-05-03

2020-05-03 UTC
gRegorLove, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [pfefferle], [Arne], mauz555, strugee, [fluffy], jeremycherfas, [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], mauz555_, [KevinMarks], Sajesajama, rmdes, [schmarty], jamietanna, Jamietanna1, [snarfed] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Zegnat: Commented on GitHub, but reiterating here. Re:
Let’s open a new issue on microformats2/parsing-issues to avoid conflating with the invalid URL discussion on microformats2/parsing-issues#9.
Those are two distinct issues. Sorry for muddying the conversation!
AdrianaLima, hi1, [tantek], mauz555, rodolfojcj and gRegorLove joined the channel