#microformats 2020-05-09

2020-05-09 UTC
[tantek], indy_, [Katherine], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
dckc we could use a re-consideration of hAudio in mf2 if you're up for helping with that work
strugee, [jgmac1106], Sajesajama_, gRegorLove, Sajesajama, [jeremycherfas], [Rose], [KevinMarks] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Think I found a way to use the old interoperable whitespacing rules when running the mf test suite for the PHP parser. Lets see if my crazy idea actually works.
With it php-mf2 only seems to fail 2 tests from the microformats/tests repo’s mf2 tests :D And one looks like a test suite problem: https://github.com/microformats/tests/pull/117
[Zegnat] #117 Remove single space from h-entry/urlincontent test
[grantcodes] and Henster1 joined the channel
Re haudio, what is the use case?
[snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Zegnat: commented on that microformats/test pull. I _think_ the test suite is actually correct per the spec.
Just received the ping from GitHub, yeah
[jgarber]: I agree with your reading of the spec. I think I am mostly surprised that this is the only test that surfaced that problem with the PHP parser.
Maybe that's the only embedded markup test that includes the `<img>` resolution bit?
Maybe. Would have expected a test specifically for that. But guess not.
Sadly now I do not know if this is because the PHP parser does something wrong, or beceause I do something wrong when I run the tests :(
The PHP parser has had different whitespace handling since mid-2018, and I feel like many have been using it without issues since then. Sadly it means the test results are extremely hard to grok
Adding space to front and back, fail a different test, hahaha
Debugging failing tests owing to whitespace errors was def. a challenge.
[jgarber]: now that I am adding whitespace, https://github.com/microformats/tests/blob/master/tests/microformats-v2/h-card/impliedname.html#L23 fails. Because https://github.com/microformats/tests/blob/master/tests/microformats-v2/h-card/impliedname.json#L128 expects a single space between Doe and Jr., but if you always add a space it results in 2 spaces
What do you think, test wrong this time around? :P
wants an actual reference parser to test tests now
Or, hmm, we only add spaces to URLs of course
needs to have dinner
There ya go, yep.
Yeah, so the PHP parser has always done this wrong, it seems
There are some curious rules in there, but I _think_ the tests are accurate. I just spent a good deal of time with the tests running against some new code so they _should_ be accurate.
I usually do not pay mind to these whitespace idiosyncrasies because they do not exist in the PHP parser :P
What with whitespace collapse and all that implemented almost 2 years ago
Alright, reimplemented use of spaces around img replacements. Only 1 failing test left now.
All mixed tests passing, 1 datetime issue left on mf2 tests, mf1 tests still a mess. Progress!
[jgarber]: PR closed, fixed up on the PHP side, thanks for the sanity check!
Happy to help!
[jgarber]++ Zegnat++
[jgarber] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Zegnat has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Did not pass Travis because of the lock file business ... think I fixed it, so lets give it another go.
KartikPrabhu, [juju], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], indy, [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
GWG, hAudio use-cases are things like when you mention a song and want to refer to a specific song. E.g. in a listen post, or in a play list
[tantek]: Is there a video equivalent?
GWG, there was some work done on hMedia as a replacement for both audio and video
gRegorLove joined the channel
[tantek]: Wouldn't that be better to pursue than h-audio?
in my opinion yes. however it still needs the documentation of use-cases and such
GWG, if you want to read the prior work on this, start here: http://microformats.org/wiki/media-info
created /media-examples (+33) "r"
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edited /media-formats (+25) "see also media-info-formats, need more work to split the two"
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Where would we document this?
edited /media-info-formats (+90) "should be merged"
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GWG, might be worth analyzing the existing uses / proposals for using hMedia / h-media first, e.g. https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/6313548
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
GWG, I think the use-cases may need to be documented on different pages for each. For example, https://indieweb.org/playlist would be one
[snarfed] joined the channel