2020-07-08 UTC
[tantek], rawtext, rawtext_, [Nishant_Mendir], jacky, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [pfefferle], KartikPrabhu, [tw2113], [KevinMarks], cjk101010, [itsjustk], [Murray], paulrobertlloyd, [jgmac1106] and [Erik]1 joined the channel
rawtext, gRegorLove and rawtext_ joined the channel
# 18:22 cjk101010 jacky: ich just pushed a (rather big) commit implementing value class parsing. Now all tests of the v2 test suite pass. Are you interested in testing and trying it before I release a new version?
# 18:23 jacky oooooh! tbh I trust that it works but I can try! it might take me a small moment to do so
# 18:24 cjk101010 no problem, take your time, it doesn't really matter if I release a new version today or next week ;-)
# 18:25 jacky that also reminds me to properly working on improving the tests for the indieweb library that I have built on top of yours and make a new release to hex
# 18:25 cjk101010 and it's also totally ok if you don't have the time to test it, no obligations!
# 18:25 jacky man it's the only way I can do anything indieweb lol
# 18:26 jacky (that also powers mentions to my site - async friendly!)
# 18:27 cjk101010 I follow you on jacky.wtf, but I didn't know about lighthouse.black.af. Will have a look!
# 18:32 cjk101010 so lighthouse is something like an indieweb website engine?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 18:37 jacky kinda! it's meant to be something similar to Webmention.io
[Erik]1, [Ana_Rodrigues], jmac, KartikPrabhu, willnorris and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 19:39 jacky cjk101010: works like a charm! thank you!
JonathanNeal, twisted`, peterrother, rawtext, hober, Phae, bigbluehat, voxpelli, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel