#microformats 2020-07-21

2020-07-21 UTC
strugee, [tw2113], gRegorLove, [tantek], GWG_, [KevinMarks], cjw6k, KartikPrabhu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] [aaronpk] found another page that isn’t working any more http://microformats.org/code/hcard/creator
Ryan King
Hmm, wonder if that shouldn’t move somewhere else. Maybe so we can auto-deploy the generators GitHub repo and get it updated. Looks like there is actually a PR from 2018 slightly tweaking the hcard generator.
sure! but at least the old urls should redirect to the new ones.
Wasn't there recently talk of removing it or updating it for h-card?
[tantek] joined the channel
Where are you finding those links from?
when I was looking at all the files on the server there was no indication that they were being served without the html extension so I never Webb thought to try that
[schmarty], KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and cjw6k joined the channel
lots of old links to the creators sprinkled across the web
and yes we launched microformats.org with particular attention to serving "plain" names like that without file extensions
anyway to set that as a default for all paths?
i.e. if there's no plain /file then serve /file.html ?
[Jose_Leiva], [tw2113], gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I linked them long time ago in my blog and now I get a lot of dead link errors.
[chrisaldrich], [manton] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
alright let's try a global *.html rule
hopefully this doesn't mess up the fallback to route stuff to wordpress
i think it worked
[jgmac1106], [arush], [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113] joined the channel