ZegnatYour website seems to put the h-entry class on the article element already. And it looks like you then put a div element with the h-entry class within there.
ZegnatI canβt really comment on what you have to do manually and what your CMS/theme/template handles for you :( But I do think that is where the problem is coming from. Let us know if you need more help!
[Murray]Indiewebify.me doesn't seem to be able to find my author photo (`u-photo`) on any of my posts. Could that be because it's hidden using `display: none`? Or can anyone see some issue with this markup:
[Murray]hmm this also has me questioning why I'm using `p-author` vs `u-author` (returning to this after a few weeks). I've searched around on IndieWeb and Microformats.org but can't find any explicit difference, is there one?
ZegnatThat page seems to do a lot of RSVPs on one URL? Or do those RSVPs have URLs of their own? I do not know of any receivers that support parsing multiple h-entry on 1 URL.
ZegnatFrom what I can see your microformats are correct there. Maybe see if someone in the #indieweb-dev channel has had similar problems and can help you out?
craftyphotonsAre there any examples out in the wild of folks doing pastebin/gist-ish posts in microformats? i.e. a name for the overall post, and then one or more 'files' with name, content, and an indicator on each one of what language it's in
KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tb]Interesting, collection does seem like it could be a good fit β like the Lightweight Pull Request use case
[KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [tw2113], [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], [Murray], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [tantek] and [manton] joined the channel