#microformats 2020-08-31

2020-08-31 UTC
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
[tw2113], beko, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], edsu, ivc, [jeremycherfas], jeremy, jeremy-, [James_Gallaghe], fuzzbomb, [grantcodes], [Murray], indy_, [tb], sebbu, [tantek], [jgmac1106], Zegnat, [fluffy], [manton], cambridgeport90, [schmarty], [snarfed], [Ana_Rodrigues] and strugee joined the channel
The IndieWeb WordPress community could use some more theme options. Join us on Sept. 26 for an IndieWebCamp Popup Session to help make some IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes #WordPress #microformats https://boffosocko.com/2020/08/31/making-indieweb-friendly-wordpress-themes-an-indiewebcamp-popup-session/
[jgarber], [chrisaldrich] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel