#microformats 2020-09-02

2020-09-02 UTC
[tw2113], KartikPrabhu, cjk101010_, [Rose], Phae, craftyphotons_, [Ana_Rodrigues] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
WordPress fans and theme developers: Interested in improving the Microformats v2 markup in your theme(s)? We're hosting a free hands-on workshop on September 26 to discuss and implement best practices, tips, and tricks. (Beginners welcome!) #WordPress https://boffosocko.com/2020/08/31/making-indieweb-friendly-wordpress-themes-an-indiewebcamp-popup-session/
[chrisaldrich], [Ana_Rodrigues], [asuh], [fluffy], [tw2113], [James_Gallaghe], [suze_shardlow1], strugee, KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and [tb] joined the channel