#LoqiGWG: [tantek] left you a message 5 days, 18 hours ago: could you take a look at https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/25 and LMK (reacji / comment) if it makes sense to you or if it doesn't, ask question(s)? I'd like to make sure that this method of attempting async h-entry process update proposal / discussion works before filing more such issues (also for anyone else who publishes or implements consuming h-entry, especially if you're
#timotimocurrently working on mf2 on my ghost blog
#timotimowhen i have a link to, say, /tags/foobar, would i turn that link into a h-feed h-url h-uid so that a consumer would know that there's a feed at that url, even when the current page doesn't have any of the entries from the feed in it?
#GWGI think we have a session recording from an Indiewebcamp about this
[schmarty] joined the channel
#timotimook i changed h-name to p-name, i should toss out the h-feed for the related articles, but keep them h-entry?
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
#timotimoi'm using (or will be using, i guess) whim to do webmentions; is there anything i have to do in particular to make sure i don't get mentions from every post on my site to every other post on my site? i think whim --content is the right way to do that
#jmactimotimo: One way to do that in whim is to add your own domain to your blocklist
#timotimohow do i get this right, so that wakelift.de doesn't also block completely unrelated site notwakelift.deb
#jmacThat's a good question and I'll need to look that up myself! (In the meantime we might want to take this to #indieweb-dev or even #whim since this isn't really about microformats per se)