#microformats 2020-11-10

2020-11-10 UTC
iwaim__, gRegorLove, GWG, [tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], [Jan_Lukas_Else], willnorris, [Ana_Rodrigues], [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], [grantcodes], [tantek] and mauz555 joined the channel
possibly usable as prior art / notes on how to markup things of the sort (namely audiobooks)
The Publishing Working Group has published the following specifications as W3C Recommendations: Publication Manifest defines a general manifest format for expressing information about a digital publication. It uses schema.org metadata augmented to i...
mauz555 joined the channel
more sidefiles!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
schema all the things!
mauz555 and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel