btremI see. Note thought that my h-recipe page is a demo. There is a real-world need in the proposed h-menu. It is very common for menus to list one price atop several items, e.g., "Soft drinks $2.95" followed by a list of sodas and juices. Or draught beer $6.00/pint, followed by a draught list.
btremSo I think a general include pattern would be useful. It's not a deal breaker. At least, I hope it's not. But menus in the wild do have a pattern which suggests an include of some kind.
btremI tried the existing include pattern on a demo h-menu. It's a bit klunky. In FF, using <object> to link to another part of the page actually copies that part of the page. So I had a copy of an h-card for every include-pattern.
btremAnd also that I'd be accused of jumping the gun by proposing properties and names for a root microformat that is still in the brainstorming phase.
btremI am glad that I created actual menus with proposed markup. For me, I learn by doing. And I came across problems when I was actually writing markup that I could incorporate into my still very beta draft proposal.
btremI worked for decades in restaurants, so it's something I know a little about. Including all the repetitious data entry we do whenever we change a menu.
btremMy sense there are enough menus, but I can always get more. I think I need to do a little more documentation on menu repetition, especially for the same restaurant.
btremI have one I haven't examined in detail yet, but they have at least three: their own website, GrubHub, and a third one I can't recall atm. And only 2 of them agree.
btremYep. Thanks for spreading the word. Also thanks for fixing the typo on the wiki (that typo might have been me -- the offending fingers will be punished if they are responsible).
btremI didn't link to the food page because it's a stub will no content. I'm not sure what that stub is for. What is a microformat for food supposed to be used for?
btremIf you look at the menu-brainstorming page, that's pretty much my take: a menu is a list of products, so it's obvious to make h-menu essentially a list of h-products.
btremI don't really understand Twitter, but I notice that the link starts with "". Is that your link? (It appears to be a url shortener à la
@kevinmarks↩️ yes, markup with classes as described, then they can be parsed with a microformats parser into events, and there are existing translations to iCalendar (
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