#microformats 2021-02-01

2021-02-01 UTC
so the name/summary/content are 3 different sizes of information (and they are all optional)
part of this derives from the Atom/RSS split - RSS has description, because it was originally for sharing links to article, but that got overloaded with content too. Atom made the summary/content split explicit, and h-entry (and indeed ActivityStreams/ActivityPub) continue this
[benatwork], KartikPrabhu, mauz555, btrem, [chrisaldrich], btrem81, [timothy_chambe], [tantek], willnorris, [KevinMarks], marinin[t], [pfefferle], [Rose], [xavierroy], [fluffy] and jamietanna joined the channel
↩️ @ChrisAldrich Out of curiousity: How do you organise recipes? I _think_ I've seen microformats (or http://schema.org JSON-LD?) for them, too.
[tantek] and btrem joined the channel
Remember back in 2011 when Google gave you the option of microformats markup or their own made-up data-vocabulary markup for Rich Snippets? They finally shut down that iteration of making up a vocabulary https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1356237121187700738 (via [KevinMarks]), leaving microformats as the longest standing format that they support and continue to support
[@googlesearchc] If you're using http://data-vocabulary.org structured data, keep in mind that we no longer support that format for rich results: https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1322236415816560640
[Aaron Parecki] Why Microformats? Owning My Reviews
Posting reviews is still on my short list for pandemic projects
And frankly, would make a good "new article" too with all the updates for 2021
the SEO folks love seeing the LATEST article about these things
even if it's like 95% copy/paste from the previous article
jmac_ and Loqi____ joined the channel
That's true, but of course google are supporting schema.org, which is the successor of data-vocabulary.org.
And, sadly, Google are *not* supporting microformats2.  :(
right but look at how recently schema.org was created relative to the others, it's a pattern
Ok, but I'm not sure you should be taking a victory lap just yet.
the victory lap is the pattern continues
I'm not as optimistic as you, I guess.
the pattern of google dropping support for the things they previously created
which is why not to trust things created by google
"look at this standard we made, it's the best! everyone should use it!" ... later... "we have a new standard that's better, everyone switch to that!"
I see your point, but schema.org started with very much the same vocabularies as data-vocab.
It's not really a break as I see it.
not at all. schema was made up by a totally different person that data-vocab and ditched all that
it wasn't a "successor" it was a completely different NIH approach
at least the data-vocab vocabs tried to re-use from microformats, but in a much more complex syntax
data-vocabulary site is dead, so I can't look it up. I tried them out at one point, then switched to schema.org.
And I can't exactly call my personal history with them.
presumably it's in the Internet Archive if you're really curious
ICBA to look right now!  :-o
but that's a good (larger) point. the whole point of data-vocabulary org was a st of "stable" URLs to vocabularies. which means that now that they've taken it down, all data that was published in data-vocabulary gibberish markup is dead and unprocessable
which is kind of a refutation of any vocab/markup system that depends on URLs to vocabs for its processing model
I *am* surprised to find a mostly dead site there. Just a not saying "use schema.org".
why trust it when they couldn't be bothered to even keep a static site working at data-vocab?
this is kind of the point
fool me once, etc.
(shrug) Not like I'm their evangelist.
Just that I suspect that their future efforts will be geared toward schema.org, as opposed to any developments in microformats. And they are still the 800 pound gorilla.
which means they don't care about breaking your markup, like they just did for everyone depending on data-vocab.
I suspect that based on evidence to date, they'll keep breaking people
You understand that I'm not arguing for using Google, right?
lol "breaking people"  that's harsh!
it's ok, I mean, argument by action is the point here
I suppose if you treat it as an ephemeral site API for Google's spiders and nothing more, that's pretty harmless.
that's clearly all google cares about with it now
and most of the SEO crowd
the whole SEO ratrace seemed kinda pointless to spend time on (as individual publishers)
I'm suspicious of SEO in general. Yet it's on my website in an "about me" section.  :/
I guess because I figure it's important to other people.
edited /h-feed (+9) "/* Examples in the wild */ replace my entry with a link to IndieWeb examples"
(view diff)
edited /h-feed (+31) "/* Status */ fix copy pasta of "h-entry-issues" to use the h-feed repo issues instead"
(view diff)
edited /h-feed (-20) "/* See Also */ drop h-feed-issues while it doesn't exist. we have a github repo for issues now"
(view diff)
re: above
maybe leveraging some sort of mediawiki templating could help with that in the future?
to highlight spec status and/or where to find more info?
I feel like we couldn't even keep the draft/standard etc. templates working so meh
templating only works when you're not actively re-organizing / continuously improving these things which often require rewrites
[tantek]: We didn't make as much progress at that popup as I hoped
GWG, we plenty of progress! there's just a lot of backlog
GWG, you could probably propose one a month and we'd still work at it for a year 🙂
for a while we were doing microformats dev sessions at IWC Portland / Summit and those were very productive
I forget when we/why we stopped
I have a feeling it may have had to do with aaronpk and me putting more and more time into organizing summits and less time to actually be doing (much less leading) sessions
like before we had keynotes
anyway this is more #indieweb-chat so I'll take it there
Is data vocabulary domain available now? Can we get it?
[tantek]: I think maybe we can bring back a quarterly session
sounds like a good idea GWG
we should time one so we do one in early June before the anniversary
[tantek]: We have nothing on Meetable other than HWC
So we're wide open
[tantek]: Didn't you have homework from the last one?
probably 😔
I think it was clarifying how the process is supposed to work to make it easier next time
I'll have to check the notes
[tantek] #25 Process for updating a proposed h-entry property
marinin[t] and btrem joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Sorry to report that data-vocabulary.org is *not* available. It shows a bare-bones page saying "Use schema.org".
I do like that the "looking for RDF?" link 404s
Which is a very succinct critique of RDF.
Now I'm laughing even harder because Loqi joined in! I had no idea (s)he would do that!
[Rose] joined the channel