#microformats 2021-02-08

2021-02-08 UTC
hendursaga and [fluffy] joined the channel
edited /menu (+124) "Clarifies problem that a menu vocabulary could solve."
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[KevinMarks], hendursa1, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], alex2, KartikPrabhu, hendursaga, gRegorLove, [Ana_Rodrigues], marinin[t], [Rose], jmac, voxpelli_, willnorris and Danielstaleiny joined the channel
Setup IndieAuth and microformats2 (mf2) to my posts. Next up is getting Tweets, RSVP's and Github to my site #indieweb https://joshghent.com
gRegorLove, [snarfed], [Murray], jamietanna, TallTed, [KevinMarks], [arush], [chrisaldrich], hendursaga, wombelix[m], [cleverdevil], [schmarty], [Rose], marinin[t], [fluffy], [tantek] and btrem joined the channel
[KevinMarks] the irony about the Google recipe search tweet is that Google recipe search *launched* with e*xclusively* hRecipe support. https://twitter.com/thomasforth/status/1358071401677283328
[@thomasforth] One of my favourite podcasts is This Week in Google, which I tweet a lot about on here. And in a recent episode @gigastacey (I think) was talking about structured data for recipes. And it was great. So I did a quick search, and Google do have a spec. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/recipe
iwaim__ joined the channel