#microformats 2021-02-11

2021-02-11 UTC
hendursa1, [fluffy], indy, [asuh], [chrisaldrich], jackyalcine[m]1, hendursaga, [KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues], [Murray], [schmarty], Solari, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel; jackyalcine[m]2 left the channel
↩️ I thought the same at first, but this is more for parsing than writing. IMHO Microformats need to make a comeback - they are awesome (wow 2006 - that was a long time ago in web tech when I was working with them https://groups.drupal.org/microformats-in-drupal)
[jacky], hendursaga, [schmarty] and [grantcodes] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
edited /hlisting (+74) "/* past examples */"
(view diff)