#microformats 2021-03-21

2021-03-21 UTC
Kaja, Zegnat, [tantek], lahacker and Seirdy joined the channel
Dear IndieWeb people: microformats are plumbing too. And even if they were somehow superior to newsfeeds, plumbing is *useful*.
[tantek] joined the channel
hendursa1, vesper11, wombelix[m] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Jacob_Hall] joined the channel
Is there any precedence for posting locations/venues that I "want to go" to?
[Jacob_Hall]: Can you provide an example?
Yeah! So this question stems from wanting to migrate my data from Google Maps -> jacobhall.net. Recently, when someone has recommended a place (usually a restaurant) to me, I've added it to a list of "places I want to go" https://goo.gl/maps/3xMb6X5HNYHnGhyB7
Just today I was reading an Atlas Obscura article about a cool bookstore in LA (https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/last-bookstore), and remembered that my gf had also recommended it to me! My first thought was to put it into my Google Maps list, but I'd love to post it to my own site's timeline as an h-entry that I could parse later
There are a number of location-type posting mechanisms I still need to draft for my site, and I'm thinking I'll integrate into OpenStreetMaps so that I don't have to reinvent ~all of the wheels 😛
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Sounds like venue support might come first
I'm reminded of the proposed status microformats for media (e.g. want to read, in progress of watching movie, etc.) and I wonder if a similar concept could be used for venues.
but it would be want to visit, visited, and possibly re-visited
Yeah admittedly I can cross this bridge once I've implemented other functionality on my site. but if you have any ideas or examples of how I can do this most effectively I'm all ears 🙂
KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Jacob_Hall] I don't do this (yet) myself, but if I did, I might have the usual location related mark up and add a u-bookmark-of to it. I'm not sure there are any parsers that pull out that specific use case at the moment, but using that mark up would probably come closest with what's out there. https://indieweb.org/bookmark#How_to_markup.
Both Google maps and Foursquare have that sort of "want to visit" functionality, but don't have any additional mark up that I recall. I could see a case for making something along the lines for the media examples for parallelism. Most of those have some reasonable support by WordPress and Indiebookclub.biz. Related: https://indieweb.org/want
a bookmark for a location would make sense imo
[KevinMarks] and hendursa1 joined the channel