#microformats 2021-04-24
2021-04-24 UTC
timculverhouse joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_], timculverhouse, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
hendursaga, timculverhouse, [girrodocus], [manton], [kimberlyhirsh], KartikPrabhu, JackyAlcin[m], Seirdy and barnabywalters joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, Seirdy, [tantek], [KevinMarks], iwaim_, jacky, koddsson, Kaja, beko, timotimo, aaronpk, Saphire, hendursaga, jeremycherfas, omz13, globbot, batkin[m], ivc, strugee, jamietanna[m], MylesBraithwaite, JackyAlcin[m], Phae, nolith3, peterrother, [chrisaldrich], ChanServ and indy joined the channel; bhavin192 left the channel