#microformats 2021-05-01

2021-05-01 UTC
[schmarty], [chrisaldrich], jacky, sknebel, Zegnat, [tw2113_Slack_], tomlarkworthy, maxwelljoslyn, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], hendursaga, sparseMatrix, [fluffy], paul3, jamietanna, [kimberlyhirsh] and barnabywalters joined the channel; jacky left the channel
I'm Schema Expert. I've excellent Experience in Google Schema Markup. Contact Us: https://urlzs.com/kMSUY #wordpressschema #websitereview #listingschema #reviewschema #websitereview #schema.org #microformats #creat #integration #structureddatamark #productreviews #googleschema
I'm Schema Expert. I've excellent Experience in Google Schema Markup. Contact Us: https://urlzs.com/kMSUY #wordpressschema #websitereview #listingschema #reviewschema #websitereview #schema.org #microformats #creat #integration #structureddatamark #productreviews #googleschema
I'm Schema Expert. I've excellent Experience in Google Schema Markup. Contact Us: https://urlzs.com/kMSUY #wordpressschema #websitereview #listingschema #reviewschema #websitereview #schema.org #microformats #creat #integration #structureddatamark #productreviews #googleschema
peterrother and twisted` joined the channel
hey barnabywalters so I'm thinking about working on more things in Rust
I have this general purpose library here https://github.com/jalcine/indieweb-rs (right now, it only does link-rel parsing and I might refactor it to use the community solution versus my hand-rolled one)
cool! I did have a look into starting work on a mf2 parser, but was put off by the lack of a widely accepted DOM implementation
the most promising one I found was a parser and DOM hidden in the depths of some full-stack web development framework
oh which one? probably iron
oh I just realized that that's a private repo
[chinedufn] percy: Libraries for building interactive frontend browser apps with Rust + WebAssembly. Supports server side rendering.
oh wow that's a interesting project
this is what I meant to link to https://lib.rs/crates/indieweb
barnabywalters, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_] and sparseMatrix joined the channel