#microformats 2021-05-06

2021-05-06 UTC
[chrisaldrich], VKL, sparseMatrix, maxwelljoslyn, benatkin, batkin, jeremycherfas, milkii, [Serena], [tantek], aaronpk, koddsson, [fluffy], [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], hendursaga, [Murray] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[aaronpk] fyi seeing a 502 on indielogin.com / logging into the wiki
IWSlackGateway and sparseMatrix joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Oops meant to put this on meta
[snarfed], [arush], [schmarty], [grantcodes], [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy], [Murray], [KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues], KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], TallTed, [chrisaldrich], omz13, sparseMatrix and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel