#microformats 2021-05-21
2021-05-21 UTC
digiSal, mauz555, gRegorLove, [tw2113_Slack_], hendursaga, [KevinMarks], [chee], barnabywalters, sparseMatrix, [schmarty], [manton], TallTed, [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [snarfed], gRegorLove_, [tantek] and aaronpk joined the channel
# gRegorLove barnabywalters, I think the two change control processes to be familiar with are: https://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry#change_control and https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#change_control linked in there as well.
# barnabywalters gRegorLove++ thanks! I reviewed the second already, looking over the first now
# gRegorLove Haven't read up yet, but I suspect a lot of that mf2 session was about the former; moving properties from proposed to draft to stable, etc.
# barnabywalters cool, that all seems pretty straightforward
# barnabywalters https://microformats.org/wiki/issues seems to be entirely out of date, both in the issues raised there, and the pages it links to
# barnabywalters might be worth cleaning up and updating with links to current vocab-specific issues and change control policies
# barnabywalters (that was the first place I looked when looking for the obvious process documentation)
# gRegorLove Yeah, I think we've migrated all new issues to github.com/microformats
# barnabywalters so /issues would probably make a good index/jumping off point of all the places where mf issues are stored and discussed
# barnabywalters [tantek]: I don’t want to pre-empt that, but would you object to me moving the 10yo resolved issues on /issues to /microformats issues resolved, and updating the links on /issues for better discoverability
# barnabywalters e.g. to the more current mf2 parsing and vocab specific issues, and change control processes
# barnabywalters so what needs to be done for the ACCEPTED PROPOSED RESOLUTION to become a proposed resolution?
# barnabywalters specifically I’m talking about these two https://microformats.org/wiki/issues#Issues, raised in 2006 and 2010, both of which seem to have been resolved with the advent of mf2?
# barnabywalters although the second one still applies to the value-class pattern
# barnabywalters as class="value" is the only remaining non-prefixed classname in use in mf2
# gRegorLove I took a crack at updated u-photo definition: https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/24
# barnabywalters [tantek]: agreed, and “accepted proposed” is confusing anyway IMO — is it accepted, or proposed?
# barnabywalters heh I know that feeling all too wel
# barnabywalters I recently read through a years worth of IRC logs from 2012 to find data for /timeline
# barnabywalters anyway, from my point of view, almost none of the content on /issues is relevant to current mf2 issues. the two semi?-resolved issues which are there are perhaps interesting from a historical perspective, but have effectively been made redundant by mf2
# barnabywalters hence my suggestion to move them elsewhere and update /issues to reflect the current state of mf issue tracking and resolution
# gRegorLove I think putting an archived notice at the top with links to github would be good
# gRegorLove The mf2 specs should link directly to github, with separate link to previous issues. h-entry has that for example "Resolved issues before 2012-246"
[tw2113_Slack_], [tantek]1, jamietanna and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [tantek]1 barnabywalters, plenty of the implied process stuff besides those two issues needs to be rewritten too. The Template stuff, the links to "other" issues pages etc.
# [tantek]1 it's really a pretty bad mess 😞 (apologies)
# barnabywalters yeah that’s what I’m suggesting
[chrisaldrich] and sparseMatrix joined the channel
# @sheikharif14_12 ↩️ Why hentry tag is used. And what is microformats (twitter.com/_/status/1395883747157831684)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel