#microformats 2021-08-03

2021-08-03 UTC
hala-bala[m], calebjasik, DavidWeekes[m], P[m], [tw2113_Slack_], ur5us_, aranjedeath, aaronpk[d], indieweb-irc-bri, capjamesg[d], hoenir, IWSlackGateway, sebbu, Saphire, hendursa1, neceve, hendursaga and Ramon[d] joined the channel
GWG, start with "just" using u-url
then document what would be the use-case for something beyond that (i.e. why do you (or others, other consuming apps etc.) need to recognize it differently from any other u-url)?
[tantek]: Isn't u-url going to be interpreted as my h-card on another page?
by what consuming application?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek]: That's what I was wondering. I know we discussed expanded h-cards in the past
I am redoing my site design, h-card, and other more static content now
It's ok to keep the markup simple like that using existing properties, until there's an actual practical use-case example that wants to do something more special
I should check my code to see how it handles multiple u-urls
Probably the logic would be that you'd only show them on the full h-card
that sounds reasonable
Seirdy and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ 如果在某個平行時空裡,Web 2.0 的 RSS/Atom feeds, RDF, microformats 等有被推廣落實,那個平行時空的我一定還很快樂地在從事 Web 開發。
KartikPrabhu, [jacky] and rascul joined the channel
is it required that a mf2 parser also parse mf1 (or at least the ones that have mf2 replacements) ? http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-faq#which_backcompat_root_classes
[aciccarello] and ur5us_ joined the channel
it appears as if the requirement is there "parse element class for root class name(s) "h-*" and if none, backcompat root classes" i just want to make sure it's required and not optional http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parse_a_document_for_microformats
also can <html> have microformats?
rascul: yes the <htmkl> element can have microformats
also, if you can writing a parser. I would leave the backcompat parsing to mf1 till later
that really is the trickiest part of mf2 parsing
ur5us__ joined the channel
i am writing a parser