#microformats 2021-08-07
2021-08-07 UTC
rockorager, jacky, IWSlackGateway1, [KevinMarks]1, hendursa1, voxpelli and neceve joined the channel
# #TIP Incluya rel="me" como atributo en sus enlaces personales.
ref: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me ( twitter.com/_/status/1423972640776232966)
rockorager, [jgmac1106], hendursaga, jacky and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# ↩️ The cutoff date for Vol. 1 seems arbitrary, except to those for whom history's tipping point was Casey Kasem's departure from #AT40 (or Taylor Swift's birth). SoundScan/BDS, the triumph of radio microformats, the end of commercial rock singles, etc. were all a few years away. ( twitter.com/_/status/1424083605471465472)
ur5us__, KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jacky joined the channel