#microformats 2021-08-23

2021-08-23 UTC
Seirdy, ur5us, asteria, chee and aaronpk joined the channel
23 Jahre nach ical und 16 Jahre nach microformats tippe ich von Hand meinen Arzttermin von der elektronischen Terminreservierung in meinen elektronischen Kalender ab. Das tut schon ein bisschen weh! #fail #interoperabilität #Digitalisierung
hendursa1, ur5us, KartikPrabhu, hendursaga, [manton], Ramon[d], [fluffy], jacky, [grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky, seems like very few years someone proposes adding some sort of content rating/warning system to microformats, someone who's never actually been involved in the community or published / implemented everything, and usually the effort dies because anyone actually building anything doesn't actually prioritize it.
so I'm not sure how to interpret those requests. people showing up thinking hey I have a way to drive-by improve this thing which I have no experience with?
(nevermind no experience with content rating systems because if they did they wouldn't be proposing what they do propose)
context? am I missing messages in backlog?
maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
I _think_ this might be related to an issue I just commented on
[toby3d] #27 'Sensitive' property
[jk-na] #19 p-content-warning proposal
ah. somehow i wasnt subscribed to that repo, thx
KartikPrabhu, Kaja, sknebel, jamietanna, ur5us and gRegor joined the channel
[fluffy]++ on issue comment. nicely done
[fluffy] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (34 in all channels)
Seirdy joined the channel