#microformats 2021-08-29

2021-08-29 UTC
Khuforzu[d] and ur5us joined the channel
Is this test case correct? In the html, `/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/` comes first (doc order), but in the json file `rel-urls`, `/category/asides/` is first.
Is this test case correct? In the html, `/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/` comes first (doc order), but in the json file `rel-urls`, `/category/asides/` is first.
sayanarijit joined the channel
sayanarijit[d]: in JSON, object members are unordered. So only order within the rel-urls object is considered equal.
As I remember, mf2 does not specify any JSON canonicalisation. So different parsers may output different string versions of JSON. As long as it all parses to the same object, it is valid.
hendursa1 joined the channel
Zegnat: Got it. Thanks.
[Zegnat] #23 Should the spec define what JSON spec we adhere to?
[Zegnat] and sebbu2 joined the channel
↩️ Where they removed date data it makes it harder for end users to determine which content is fresh or not. Date data needs repeated in descriptions to be safe. Wonder if people will start putting dates in some sort of microformats that appear in the SERPs to offset.
[Rose], hendursaga, maxwelljoslyn[d], ur5us, westie[d], chee and [Rose]1 joined the channel