#microformats 2021-09-06

2021-09-06 UTC
ur5us, maxwelljoslyn[d], hendursa1, Ramon[d], [timothy_chambe], hendursaga, KartikPrabhu and mdas joined the channel
↩️ Google prefer you to directly give them whatever structure is currently in fashion internally, but also try to make sense of the messy real Web http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7#challenges
↩️ A test should be useful, not trivial. Adding a test that parses the microdata or microformats to remind you to update them when the markup changes is more useful than checking the now obsolete JSON-LD blob didn't change.
↩️ When we added microformats to the Blogger templates, we forgot to test parsing them, and they decayed. When we added them to the Mastodon templates the tests mean they get preserved.
↩️ Sure, and if you parse microformats to JSON that works. It's harder to do with JSON-LD because of normalisation and reification and all those things that makes LD exciting to its adherents.
wackycity[d], ur5us and Seirdy joined the channel