#microformats 2021-09-09

2021-09-09 UTC
matthew1, jamietanna, [pfefferle], hhg, ur5us, hhg1, [chrisaldrich]1, [pfefferle]1, hendursa1, hendursaga and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
here’s a good question for you smart folks. So I’m working on a client task that has me linking to an external service that’s managing a job board for them
would a rel=me count for that link from the company standpoint?
what do you mean by "count"? what end user result are you trying to achieve?
mostly is it an appropriate rel attribute for a company pointing to an external job board for them
I’m hunching on it being just fine, but i think my mind went to “company” vs “individual”
"an appropriate rel attribute for" is markup, not a end user result
the hunch should be, absent a specific end user result (i.e. what user visible feature will this enable?), don't bother looking for more markup to add
"just fine" is insufficient, it should enable useful functionality
you do need to be careful about rel=me with non-people. We had a tricky one early on where 2 people linked to their joint company as rel=me and merged themselves from a graph point of view
they had no way to test the consequences. good example of why you should avoid extra markup without a specific way to verify that it's having a useful effect
i’ll leave it off based on the feedback here
Love that rule about markup [tantek].
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
We talk about that idea frequently enough that it almost ought to be a tagline on the microformats site...
westie[d], ur5us and maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
"All the markup that's functional when consumed" or something like that
hendursaga, ur5us and Seirdy joined the channel