#microformats 2021-09-21

2021-09-21 UTC
ur5us, [fluffy]1, [snarfed]1, jamietanna3, IWSlackGateway and [tw2113_Slack_]1 joined the channel
↩️ xhtml and microformats were going to save the world...
KartikPrabhu and hendursa1 joined the channel
@t I was just looking at http://microformats.org and realised that the last updates on there seem to be no later than 1st half of 2020. I was just curious what the latest state of play is with the site and microformats generally. Do you happen to know?
Why do people demand such updates
1st half of 2020 was only like 6 months ago 😛
hm, maybe I didnt turn that on for this room ;)
chee and hendursaga joined the channel
↩️ The attribute value is proprietary, not the attribute. I think adding link types is ok per https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#concept-rel-extensions > Anyone is free to edit the microformats wiki existing-rel-values page at any time to add a type
aaronpk, my guess is that so many "projects" get silently "abandoned" (e.g. GitHub repos) that folks have been trained to be skeptical of anything that doesn't seem to have "activity" in over a year. It's not unreasonable (in terms of GitHub projects at least)
sounds like an opportunity to invite them to this chat 🙂
[grantcodes], [jacky] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I stumbled across this curious gem this morning and thought others may either know of it or have some interest: https://semanticbible.com/bibleref/bibleref-overview.html Looks like some interesting prior art if nothing else.
ur5us, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich] and Seirdy joined the channel