2021-09-27 UTC
hans1963[d], ur5us_, Seirdy, P1000[d], KartikPrabhu and V1 joined the channel
corenominal[d], Nezteb9000[d], indieweb-irc-bri, aaronpk[d], hoenir, willnorris, yolk and Zegnat joined the channel
ur5us_ joined the channel
ur5us joined the channel
# 09:37 [KevinMarks] I now want to tweet 'reports of my death have been exaggerated' from the microformats account
# 09:47 Loqi [@kevinmarks] @pkursawe @taitems That Bootstrap bird is nailed to the perch.
Murray[d] joined the channel
[Will_Monroe]1, cadeyrn[d], Ramon[d], [snarfed], ben_thatmust and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 17:56 capjamesg[d] [tantek] regarding the home page, I’d love to see something like a “why microformats?” section.
# 17:56 capjamesg[d] I know we touch on this a lot on the wiki but I’d love to see a few concise points easily accessible on the home page.
# 17:57 capjamesg[d] Or even a “why microformats?” link in the navigation bar or something.
# 17:57 capjamesg[d] I also noticed the home page doesn’t link to h-entry and a few other h- formats. I think it should 🙂
# 18:02 capjamesg[d] I also wonder if there are more community updates to share on the home page.
# 18:03 capjamesg[d] I’d love to see a few people write microformats use case studies that shows how they are using them. Do we document this on the wiki?
# 18:03 capjamesg[d] I’d be happy to write about how I use microformats for my site, webmention receiver, and other projects.
# 18:04 [tantek] capjamesg[d], these are *excellent* observations and suggestions!
# 18:04 [tantek] exactly the kind of thing we need new eyes looking at the home page for 😂
# 18:15 capjamesg[d] “Microformats use on the web” or something snappier would be interesting to me.
# 18:16 capjamesg[d] And links to getting started code samples from the actual microformats specs maybe.
barryf[d] joined the channel
# 18:28 capjamesg[d] I found the to do list quite intimidating because it felt like a lot of things already had owners.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:32 [tantek] ah — I can see how the sections would look like "owners", though that was not the intent
# 18:44 tantek edited /to-do (+1460) "for all person-specific to-do lists, Below this section needs rethinking and triaging" (
view diff )
# 18:57 [tantek] capjamesg[d], GWG I think I'd be down for a microformats pop-up to update (rethink?) the microformats.org homepage as a community exercise
# 18:58 [tantek] (I think that's more important than grinding through GitHub issues FWIW)
# 18:58 [tantek] (i.e. being more welcoming / community inclusive is more important than processing a backlog of technical issues, the more people we have looking at the issues, the more we can share/distribute that work so it's less bottlenecked)
# 19:07 capjamesg[d] I think an approachable homepage would help convey the relevance and importance of microformats.
# 19:07 capjamesg[d] From the homepage alone it’s hard to see why I should use microformats / how they compare to other formats.
# 19:08 capjamesg[d] I like how we have the post by Jamie on Google still parsing microformats, but there are so many more reasons why one might want to consider microformats.
# 19:09 capjamesg[d] Also, because Google still parses it, we should consider what percentage of the audience is interested in microformats for SEO.
# 19:09 GWG [tantek]: Always assume I'm up for a popup
# 19:09 [tantek] also the nature of the community and the "why" of microformats has changed considerably over the past ten years
# 19:10 [tantek] so it's long past time to succinctly document & communicate that
# 19:17 Loqi [tantek] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
# 19:28 GWG "Because I find them simple and other makeup you need a lot more to figure out what you are doing
ur5us, marksuth, IWSlackGateway, jeremycherfas, [Will_Monroe], aaronpk, Seirdy and DavidWeekes[m] joined the channel