#[tantek]adminhelp hey we don't have an overall code of conduct for microformats.org and that outburst is a good example of why it would be helpful to have one (e.g. like IndieWeb.org/code-of-conduct)
#[tantek]it seems pretty uncontroversial to take those guidelines for email (which were previously discussed/iterated by the community) and expand them to all online related interactions for #microformats. Unless there are any objections, I'll stub a code-of-conduct starting with that later today. Thoughts?
#tantekedited /h-feed (+30) "/* Discovery */ fetch a URL, link parsing to mf2 parsing spec" (view diff)
#capjamesg[d]I concur with having a clear code of conduct that is easily accessible and prominent on relevant pages on the wiki.
#GWGcapjamesg[d], [tantek]: A code of conduct is a good idea, but I'm not sure the interaction in question would have changed with it
#[tantek]It’s more about setting standards to make everyone else feel safer than changing any one particular interaction
#[tantek]if folks in the community can see & read that that kind of behavior is unacceptable, they can feel more confident stepping up and holding that boundary, knowing the community has their back
#capjamesg[d]Indeed GWG. It’s hard to prevent interactions like the one from earlier happening at least once without closing a community, which I don’t think is a reasonable option.
#capjamesg[d][tantek] I lodged your description re: making people feel more confident about what is and is not accepted.
aranjedeath, ur5us, kimberlyhirsh[d], KartikPrabhu, aaronpk[d] and hendursaga joined the channel