#microformats 2021-10-16

2021-10-16 UTC
[edit] [tantek]: This is helpful. I'm adding this page to my project notes. The section on how to improve the look of Markdown is really helpful. I stubbed out some notes on what this syntax would look like last night and it would fall under the same criticism that you make of Markdown. So, I'm going to spend some more time making them clean. For the sake of having something usable to build out some other blog tools, I think I'm going to m
I have some other things to do tonight, but if I get to it tonight I'll spend some time thinking about this. My biggest concern is how a markdown syntax could be used within nested microformats properties, but maybe that's more a parser problem than a syntax problem.
Got into thinking about nested properties and as soon as that happens, it does feel like a "just use HTML" solution works better. "
nesting use-cases are much more challenging yes
still might be possible (e.g. we can look at text citation formats for inspiration)
Would you want to standardize on a specific citation style? Because I could see it being something like `/*c Odell, Jenny. How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy. 2019. c*/` and then parse the various fields in the order of the citation style.
Not sold on the tags I chose as example, I was just trying something.
Jeremiah[d] I feel like if academics / journalists can standardize on a specific text-only citation format, then we could adopt the top 1-2 of those too
oof I'd really dislike "/*" in anything that wasn't literal source code
aranjedeath joined the channel
to put it another way, <cite></cite> is much less "weird punctuation" than `/*c c*/` and only a few chars more.
aranjedeath, JSharp, willnorris and voxpelli joined the channel
Would <cite> create any conflicts with the html tag?
[tantek]: fair enough. Like I said I wasn't sold sold on the `/*` convention.
gRegor joined the channel
I mean it is HTML, that's the point
Nuve0, Nuve1, Nuve and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[tantek] if you think academics have standardized on one or two formats for citations, you probably have not had to submit a paper to more than one journal.
indeed jeremycherfas, it would be more accurate to say there are 1-2 (or a few?) dominant formats, not standardized. APA and such
Right. And even the method of text citation varies widely, at least three that I can think of. It is a huge mess.
hendursa1 and Seirdy joined the channel
hendursa1 joined the channel
Every time we look at citations it becomes clear that we're walking into a battlefield with entrenched positions
Google docs has 2 different citation tools built in (presumably different generations of interns)
Markdown is notoriously bad at nesting things
grantcodes[d], gRegor, gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, Jamietanna1, [schmarty], Zegnat, hendursaga, kimberlyhirsh[d] and Jordy[d] joined the channel