[KevinMarks]the question is more why you are doing that and what it means. A review of a receipe makes sense; what are you using the review for in a recipe? Is it a response, so is in comment markup?
btremI need a way to track my sauerkraut and other ferment recipes. It occurred to me that I could use my website to do that. And I could mark up each ferment with h-recipe. Then, when I open the jar in a few weeks or months, I could add h-review to rate how it tastes, how crunchy it is, etc.
btremSo maybe none of this matters. I’m still in the “can I do this?” phase. And if I can, “how do I make the best use of it?” is worth thinking about. That’s all.
btremI did think about that. It’d be a bit more work to link the two, but it is possible with 11ty. (I’ve linked other posts using front matter yaml markup.)
aaronpkthe reason is there would be no special code needed for things to end up looking reasonably good. i could later add special handling of h-review webmentions to display them differently than regular comments
@capjamesg↩️ IndieWeb Search is powered by a custom-built crawler that reads #microformats. Because the community uses microformats heavily, the search engine has been able to incorporate some community-specific features. (twitter.com/_/status/1450721568368246787)
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