capjamesg[d]Hm. "microformats (and microformats2) have little adoption (across both publishers and consumers), and are somewhat outdated. If we're going to go down this route, we should bet on (via microdata, or better yet JSON-LD)"
[tantek]sometimes this is a sign of SEO folks who essentially care about Google SERPs and nothing else, so of course they don't see the adoption they're not looking for
[tantek]my experience with what happened with early microformats and "SEO" made it clear that any kind of "semantic markup" should at most consider "search" as a *secondary* use-case, never a primary use-case.
[tantek]Search engines should be indexing semantics that people published *for some other user-valid reason*, not because they want to show up better in search, because that leads to a metacrap feedback loop
[tantek]In that respect, it's actually *good* that Google is not saying "hey go use these microformats" because that would likely result in a lot more bad data in microformats
capjamesg[d]Their integration with tools like Micropub makes them a powerful way to markup data in a way that enables a rich ecosystem of consuming apps.
[KevinMarks]With technorati we did have a tighter loop for that, in that we had a pool of bloggers who wanted to express things, but it was still better when we were building on existing practice
sknebelmy current plan for "i want updates if the opening times for these change" now is trying to detect those "boxes"/page areas based on keywords and patterns and then alert if they change