#microformats 2021-12-06

2021-12-06 UTC
ur5us joined the channel
btrem, are there real world examples? otherwise I'd say it should not be in the list, or at least not yet
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, Prash, [schmarty], sayanarijit[d], willnorris, [fluffy]1, [jeremycherfas], naaekluue`_numbe, P1000[d], [benji], [snarfed], grantcodes[d], [manton], [jacky], [tantek], [jeremyfelt], IWSlackGateway, balupton[d], jeremycherfas, [KevinMarks], aranjedeath, edburns[d], lahacker[d], JSharp, klez, daiyi[d], rattroupe[d], edgeduchess[d], sknebel, MarkJR84[d], yolk, ur5us, btrem and jamietanna joined the channel
@tantek virtually every recipe website has reviews, e.g.:
If one wants to “own her/his own reviews” as Aaron Parecki suggests (https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/17/8/owning-my-reviews), and one reviews recipes on any of the sites I listed, then surely h-review is the microformat to use, isn’t it?
Also, I am in the process of reviewing my own recipes, and I’m probably going with a suggestion by @aaronpk https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2021-10-20/1634691169902500
[aaronpk] 2: post the review with h-review, linking to the h-recipe page as the thing being reviewed
Seirdy, MrShaheer[d] and Ramon[d] joined the channel
btrem++ thanks for finding & citing those real world examples!
btrem has 5 karma over the last year
[jgmac1106], [Joe_Crawford], [jacky], [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, balupton[d], ur5us, gRegor, KartikPrabhu1, kimberlyhirsh[d] and Seirdy joined the channel