#microformats 2021-12-15

2021-12-15 UTC
Ivy_Alpha[d], KartikPrabhu1, KartikPrabhu, edburns[d], Seirdy, gRegor, ur5us, [jeremyfelt], P1000[d], gRegorLove_ and IntriguedWow[d] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
↩️ I do in general love the wikis of @indiewebcamp and @microformats and their respective approaches https://indieweb.org/wikifying + https://microformats.org/wiki/process Though few other wikis I have come across has been as open for contributions, often being guarded with unclear contribution flows
Pointed to the reuse principle here over on the IndieWeb wiki: https://indieweb.org/reuse
KartikPrabhu, Seb[d], Guest6, gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
So, way back when, I tried encoding hReview microformats into some #WordPress book-blog posts, and even styling them like blocks — but I was never a full time front end web dev, just an enthusiastic learner & believer in what has now, apparently, become the #IndieWeb community.
voxpelli, some of the ethos of document, revise, and reuse you were searching for is captured here as well I think: https://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email
[chrisaldrich]: thanks!
gRegor and ur5us joined the channel
anyone know if the PHP mf2 parser is set up to parse an img for src _and_ alt? per: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parse_an_img_element_for_src_and_alt
trying to figure out if i am goofing up or if this is not yet implemented.
I think it's behind a flag
oh no! tricky.
Hm maybe not, only lang is documented as behind the feature flag
[gRegorLove] #214 parse an img element for src and alt
aha lookit that
aha, we haven't cut a release since then!
0.4.6 is from Aug 2018. this PR was merged Apr 2020
oh wow
that issue is part of a mostly-complete 0.5.0 milestone 😅
Sounds like we have some work to do
Yeah, a stretch goal of mine for the indieweb gift calendar was to get that released. Would love any input and help. I think it's pretty much ready
I think Zegnat was in some of the most "recent" (1 year ago?) github discussions
Maybe I was. Though most of the stuff I did last for the PHP parser was making it use the latest version of the test suite and massage those into something that made sense.
Which was actually merged way back in 2020?! Woops. Time is a blur.
I thought I recalled something about the multi-byte functions
but I can't find it now
I think I'm fine with bumping https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/issues/184 to the next milestone
[gRegorLove] #184 Fix vevent location backcompat
OH. It was a PR not an issue, that's why I couldn't find it: https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/221
[JKingweb] #221 Remove dependence on mbstring extension
I've read that discussion but haven't looked at the code or tried it out yet.
Going offline here shortly for travel, though. I'll catch up with the chat later.
I am ... ambivelent to the mbstring merge? My worry is not so much about the code as it is about the maintanence of said code. I personally do not want to maintain a charset sniffer as part of the mf2 parser just so we can get rid of multibyte functions (that I think ship by default with PHP these days?)
Pretty sure, yeah
Nezteb[d] joined the channel
is there a PHP version of ftfy? https://pypi.org/project/ftfy/
[fluffy] and [gRegorLove] joined the channel
I do not know of any PHP tools like ftfy. I also do not think it would help? From https://ftfy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/detect.html is sounds like ftfy already expects unicode in, and will try to not touch bytes that it deems are correct. IIRC the whole problem for mf2 parser in PHP is that the PHP HTML parser throws a hissyfit on certain encodings thus we need to force-normalise it wholesale?
Probably because PHP lacks a real HTML parser, it is all handled by whatever version of libxml was pulled in by your distro when PHP was compiled.
PHP encoding is a dice roll by PHP version, as different ones assumed different encodings for bytes by default, and it tends to mix with MySQL, who add special new subsets too.