#microformats 2022-01-05

2022-01-05 UTC
ur5us, DerEinzigWahreMa, darkkirb, sarahd[d], jessealama, strugee, [snarfed], [fluffy]1, KartikPrabhu, Guest6, [tantek], zerojames[d], hoenir, Murray[d], Jeremiah[d], shaunix[d], tracydurnell[d], MarkJR84[d], corenominal[d], wackycity[d], indieweb-irc-bri, grantcodes[d], Myst[d], daiyi[d], rattroupe[d], edburns[d], Ramon[d], [jacky], Saphire, yolk, sebbu, angelo_, rektide, Zegnat, Kaja, voxpelli, willnorris, sknebel, JSharp, mambang[m], klez, [KevinMarks], GWG, [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], saptaks, gillytech, [schmarty], IWSlackGateway1, aaronpk, [JampiDotNet]1, jeremycherfas, hala-bala[m], milkii, Seirdy, ben_thatmust, [JampiDotNet], juanchipro[m], sayanarijit[d], Nezteb[d], [aciccarello], jackdaw[d], diegov, [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich] and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
↩️ As far as "microtransactions help fund the service" - ordinary people do not want this, and it can be facilitated using rel="payment": http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-payment As simple as a HTTP response header that is `Link: <some-crypto-bs://wallet/send/0.000001>; rel="payment"` if you want
Eddy04[d], jamietanna, caro401_she_her_, KartikPrabhu, aspen[d], marksuth[d], ur5us, [James_Van_Dyne], capablecable[d], Christian_Olivie, [tantek], [JampiDotNet], [schmarty] and RIZY101[d] joined the channel